BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 25, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation.” – Thomas B. Reed (1886)

International Newsworthy

Russia Voices Alarm over US Troops in Jordan

Syria in ‘Free Fall’

The Crowning of the Syrian Islamic Front

Syria: Arming Rebels Is ‘Dangerous’ US Decision

Saudi’s Bandar Supervises Arming Militant Groups in Syria

Syria Rebel Chief: Assad Departure Must Precede Talks

Syria’s Sectarian War Causes Hamas Split, Analysts Say

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Is Turkey Seeking An Israel Scapegoat for Protests?

Erdogan Unifying His Opposition

Turkey PM Praises Police ‘Heroism’

BBC Reporters ‘Intimidated’ by Turkey

Many Detained in Turkey Police Raids

Turkey Quietly Signs Oil Deal With Iraqi Kurds

Turkey: An Economic Miracle Under Threat?

EU Opens New Chapter with Turkey in Accession Talks

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The Decline of Iran’s Hard-Liners?

US State Department Downplays Iran’s Role in Latin America

Iran’s Oil Industry Presents Challenges for Rouhani

Iran to Boost Trade with Iraqi Kurdistan

Afghanistan: Kerry-Kayani Secret Deal Stinks

Taliban Attack Afghan Presidential Palace, CIA Office; 3 Guards Killed

US ‘Outraged’ Over How the Taliban Office Opened

Afghan Protesters Clash with US Troops

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As Banks Eye Iraq, Citi Plans Office in Baghdad

Terrorist Bombings Kill 14 across Iraq

Twin Suicide Bombs Kill 8 Iraqi Turkmen

Islamic Jihad Demands Hamas Fire Minister over Killing

Lebanon Army Arrests 60 of Assir’s Men

Sheikh Al-Assir’s Militants Kill Lebanese Soldiers in Sidon

Elusive Justice for Yemen’s Revolutionaries

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Is Egypt on the Verge of Civil War?

Egyptian Army Will Remain Neutral in June 30 Protests

Egypt Steps Up Gaza Tunnel Crackdown, Dismaying Palestinians

Nigeria: Boko Haram Hunters Take Over Checkpoints

Obama ‘Ignores’ Nigeria

Tunisia’s Army Chief of Staff Resigns

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China’s Rise to Hegemony

Putin on Back Foot at St Petersburg

Major Information Sites Suspended in Russia over ‘Bribery Instructions’

Russia’s Dagestan Moves to Pardon Rebel Fighters

IMF Training Course Starts in Georgia

Azerbaijan’s Opposition Gears Up to Give Aliyev Serious Challenge

Armenia Says Three Arrested for Spying for Azerbaijan

Turkmenistan: Was a Turkmen Militant Captured in Syria?

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German Police Carry Out Raids against Islamist Network

German Politicians Demand Details on British Surveillance Program

UK Spying on Germany’s Major Data Cable to US Triggers Media Storm

Ireland: Financial Playground for the Global Elites

Colombia: NATO Expands Into Latin America

National Newsworthy

NSA Surveillance May Be Legal – but It’s Unconstitutional

NSA’s Internal Procedures Don’t Tell the Whole Story

U.S. Surveillance Best Suited for Gathering Information on Law-Abiding Citizens

Skype Began Cooperating with NSA 5 Years Ago

Obama’s “Insider Threat Program” Views Whistleblowers as “Enemies of America”

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NSA Surveillance Leaks Prompt Legislation

Senators: NSA Must Correct Inaccurate Claims over Privacy Protections

Congress Insisted They NOT be Briefed on NSA Surveillance

Congress Insisted They Be Kept in the Dark on NSA Spying

GOP Rep. Jones’ Bill Makes Syria Intervention an Impeachable Offense

Issa Subpoenas Four State Department Officials in Benghazi Probe

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US Officials Don’t Know How Much Secret Material Snowden Took

Behind Snowden’s Hong Kong Exit: Fear and Persuasion

Amnesty International: US Must Not Hunt Down Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Russia Rejects US Demand for Snowden’s Extradition

Snowden Never Entered Russia: Foreign Minister

Snowden Receives Refugee Document of Passage from Ecuador

Naomi Wolf: My Creeping Concern that the NSA Leaker Edward Snowden is not who he Purports to be…

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High Court Strikes Down Key Part of Voting Rights Act in 5-4 Ruling

Missing Money at the DOD

IRS: Targeting Went On Through May

20 Pages of Objections to the TSA’s Body Scanners Submitted

White House Recruiting Hollywood Stars for ObamaCare Rollout

EPA Halts Study Linking Fracking with Water Pollution

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Options on Debt Derivatives Nearing $100 Billion

Bond links: Junk Bond Investors Get Burned

Consumer Confidence Reaches Five-Year High in June

The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis

“Flip That House” In These Bubbling Cities

Noteworthy Editorials

Stephen Lendman: America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large

Francis A. Boyle: Obama Backs First-Strike Nuclear War as U.S. Policy

Peter Dale Scott: Boston Bombings: Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?

M K Bhadrakumar: Snowden- A Pawn in Big-Power Politics

Christopher Dickey: You Say You Want a Revolution?

Norman Solomon: The Pursuit of Edward Snowden: Washington in a Rage, Striving to Run the World

James Petras” Presidential Rule by Deception: Obama, the Master Con-man

Paul Pillar: The Next Intifada

Washington’s Blog: Is Your Smart Meter Spying On You?

Big Brother (Uncle Sam) Is Trying to Rewrite Our History — Again

Who are the Real Traitors?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP Video – “Whistleblower: NSA Wiretapped Obama, Petraeus, Alito & Others

Video 1: Press TV- James Corbett on US Media Ignoring Second Whistleblower

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- War~ It is All About the Money

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “The World is Rising”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Sibel Edmonds Blows the Whistle on Government Blackmailing

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- 201NSA, Predictive Programming, Michael Hastings and Syria

Podcast 3: Peter B. Collins Show- Snowden Evades Dragnet; Did James Clapper Lie?

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