In-Depth Interview: Attorney Larry Bragman Fights Against Dakota Access Pipeline, and More

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Larry Bragman is an attorney fighting Trump's approval of the Dakota Access pipeline; he's also a Green Party member, and elected water board director.In this wide-ranging conversation, you'll meet Bay Area lawyer Larry Bragman, who is lending his legal skills to support the water protectors of Standing Rock and block Trump's approval of the Dakota Access pipeline.
We open with a brief bio of Bragman's public service, and his role as an elected member of the Green Party.  The we discuss his work on DAPL and some initial success with legal arguments in procedural matters.  He also updates us on the Keystone XL project.
We talk about Bragman's work as an elected director of the Marin Municipal Water District.   While some of our discussion focuses on local matters, his efforts to end the use of glyphosate (Monsanto's Roundup) has broader implications.
This is the audio from a TV interview conducted for our local cable channel in Marin County, California.
