BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 1, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“First they came for the Jews, but I did nothing because I’m not a Jew. Then they came for the socialists, but I did nothing because I’m not a socialist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I did nothing because I’m not a Catholic. Finally, they came for me, but by then there was no one left to help me.” – Pastor Father Niemoller

International Newsworthy

Egyptian Military Coup in 48 Hours If No Solution Found

Egyptian Protesters Set Ball Rolling

Egypt’s Salafists Are Hoping to Capitalize on Morsi’s Failure

Egyptian Group Accuses US of Backing Morsi on Eve of Nationwide Protest Rallies

Obama Declines to Call for Resignation of Egypt’s President

Morsi Says No Second Revolution in Egypt: Report

Muslim Brotherhood’s Cairo HQ Attacked with Molotov Cocktails

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Europe to Stay on Sidelines When US Ships Arms to Syria Rebels

Iraq Shi’ites Fighting in Syria: Zebari

UN Chemical Weapons Team in Turkey over Syria Probe

Russia Urges Clarified US Stance on Syria

Syrians Behead Christians as CIA Ships in Arms

Chaos and Crime: the Trials of Running a Syrian Refugee Camp

Syria War Wreaks Havoc on Drug Industry

Syrian Official: War Causes $15 Billion in Losses

Syrian Christians: ‘Why Is America at War With Us?’

Syrian Forces Battle for Control of Homs

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Turkey: The Faces of Chapulling

Turkey Protests over Kurdish Death Come to Taksim Square

Thousands March in Istanbul in Solidarity with Kurds

17 Wounded in Turkey During Protests Backing Gezi Park Demonstrations

Southeastern Incidents Show Kurdish Version of Gezi Protests: Turkish Official

Turkish Publisher Can Öz Emerges as Major Opposition Figure

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Iran, Russia to Hold Joint Navy Drills in Caspian Sea

US Ospreys, Air Tankers Put Iran in Israel’s Reach

‘Iran Nabs 7 Slovaks for Violating Law’

Rohani Vows to Pursue a Moderate Foreign Policy Based on Detente

Iran Opposed to UN Human Rights Rapporteur’s Visit to Country: Official

US Seeks to Take Iran’s Press TV Off Air in Western Afghanistan

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U.S. Wants Afghanistan to Ink Security Pact within 3 months: Karzai

International Forces Will Assist Afghan Military Until 2020

Questionable Pentagon Propaganda Efforts Continue in Afghanistan

Foreigners Plotting to Impose Feudalism in Afghanistan: Karzai

An Assault on Hope in Pakistan

Mumbai Terror Trial: New Judge Takes Over in Pakistan

China the Key to India’s Afghan Puzzle

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Iraq: Iran’s Economic Gateway to the World

UN Report Speaks About ‘Questionable Circumstances’ Accompanying Executions in Iraq

Hezbollah Sanctions in Riyadh Meet

Yemen’s Main Oil Export Pipeline Blown Up

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Horn Of Africa: AFRICOM’s First Mobile Forward Command Post

China to Send Combat Troops to Mali

Obama: US ‘Not Threatened’ by China’s Surge in Africa

Jordanians ‘Suspicious’ about US Military Deployment

Nigeria: Boko Haram Kills 15, Sacks 7 Communities in Borno

Nigerian Commission: Credible Reports Troops Kill, Torture, Rape Civilians in Islamic Uprising

Somali Forces Arrest Islamist Leader

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US Encouraging Xinjiang ‘Terrorism’: Chinese State Media

The New Great Game Round-Up, June 30-2012

Moscow Beefs Up Air Defense with 4 New All-Altitude Radar Stations

Rosneft Agrees Cooperation with Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Georgia: Arrests, Releases and Arrests Again

U.S. Backs Trans-Adriatic Gas Pipeline Choice

Russia Opens Business Club in Azerbaijan

Last Curtain Falls on Nabucco Pipeline

U.S. Covert War in Tajikistan: U.S. Special Forces, Freedom House, GKNB & Drug Trafficking

Kyrgyzstan Sends A Signal About Manas, But What Is It Saying?

Cameron Defends Kazakhstan Trip with Pledge to Secure UK Jobs

Britain Inks Billion-Dollar Deals in ‘Strategic’ Kazakhstan

‘Uzbeks Tortured Me,’ Says British Embassy Man

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U.S. Bugged EU Offices & Computer Networks – German Magazine

EU Demands ‘Full Clarification’ over NSA Spying on European Diplomats, Warns of Severe Impact on Relations

France Embraces the War on Terror

Meet Catherine Ashton, Tony Blair’s Pro-Israel Proxy in the EU

Private Banks Leave Switzerland as End of Secrecy Hurts

National Newsworthy

Infrastructure of a Police State: The NSA’s Cyber-surveillance Technology

Under Obama, NSA Collected Bulk Email, Internet Data of Americans

Number of Federal Wiretaps Rose 71 Percent in 2012

How NSA Mass Surveillance of Americans Was Exposed – in 1975

For First Time, U.S. Government Admits Some Wiretaps were Foiled by Encryption

Multiple Government Agencies Are Keeping Records of Your Credit Card Transactions

Is Mass Spying Being Used to Make Some People Rich?

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How the NSA Collects Your Internet Data in Four Charts

Leaks Shed Light on How NSA May Use Supercomputers, Gigantic Hard Drives

Senior US Officials Provide Misinformation on Classified Programs

NSA Revelations Throw Wrench into Lawmakers’ Cybersecurity Push

Judges in Secret Court Upset with Their Portrayal

Cryptome: Keeping Government Secrets: Judge’s Pocket Guide

Obama, Putin Look to End Standoff over NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Putin: Snowden Can Stay in Russia if he Stops Damaging USA

NSA Leak Vindicates AT&T Whistleblower

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Anti-Bullying Bill Could Jail People Who Criticize Politicians

Secret No-Fly List Blamed for American’s Bangkok Nightmare

Potential Witness in FBI Shooting Inquiry Ordered to Remain in Jail Until She Leaves US

Military Analysts Develop Smart Weapon Software Model

Secret Foreign Donor Behind American Enterprise Institute

Ohio Police Dept Using Fake Drug Checkpoints to Panic Drivers, Search Cars

Former U.S. Police Official Pleads Guilty of Drug Trafficking

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Every Member of Congress Elected in 2012 Received Money from at least one of the 31,385 Biggest Donors

Patton Boggs: Will it still be King of the Hill in Lobbying, Despite Departures?

Prominent Republican Lobbyist Lands Job at Chamber of Commerce

Offshore Drilling Bills’ Sponsors, Cosponsors Received Big Bucks From Oil Industry

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Foreign Central Banks Selling U.S. Treasuries

Central Banks Sell Record Sums of US Debt

Business Activity in US Cools More than Forecast in June

Congress to Double Student Loan Interest Rates

Detroit’s Default May Spark U.S. Death Spiral of Debt

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Is Driving the World to the Final War

Ron Paul: If You Like the Surveillance State, You’ll Love E-Verify

Stephen Lendman: America- Government by Terror, Torture & Tyranny

Philip Giraldi: Turkish Spring

Why a Govt That Collects Everyone’s Private Data Won’t Let Its Employees Access Public Information

Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’

Behind the Curtain of America’s Security State

Spying’s the Story, Not Edward Snowden

The Naked Empire

Trans-Pacific Partnership & Monsanto

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report- We Are (Still) Winning

Video 2: RT-Putin: Snowden Can Stay in Russia “if he Stops Damaging US”

Video 3: Telegraph TV-Egypt Protesters Chant for Morsi to Go

Podcast 1: Lew Rockwell Show- Against Neocon Domination with Ron Paul

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- Only 1% of Domestic Terrorism Cases Since 9/11 Are 100% Real

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