BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 9, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

International Newsworthy

How Egypt’s ‘Revolution’ Betrayed Itself

Egypt’s Entrenched Military

Egypt: Continuing ‘Revolution’ or Military ‘Coup’?

Egypt’s Rebel Campaign Rejects New Constitutional Declaration

Bloodshed in Egypt Saps Support for Military-Led Transition

White House Says Ending Aid to Egypt Not in “Best Interest” of US

Congress Delaying U.S. Aid to Syrian rebels – Sources

Egypt Army’s Man Gets Lawmaking Power

Dozens Dead as Egyptian Islamists Rally to Defend Morsi

Egyptian Security Forces Open Fire at Morsi’s Supporters, 51 Killed

Egypt Timetable Issued After Shootings

Blast Hits Gas Pipeline Between Egypt & Jordan

Fuel Crisis Threatens Gaza after Egypt Border Closure

Egypt Closes Freedom & Justice Party HQ over Weapons Find

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Syria Claims Discovery of Enough Chemical Weapons to “Destroy a Country”

Russian Inquiry to UN: Rebels, Not Army, Behind Syria Aleppo Chemical Attack

Syrian Government Invites UN for Chemical Weapons Inspection

Syria’s Ruling Party in Leadership Shake Up

Syria’s Opposition PM Resigns

Russia Urges New Syrian Opposition Leadership to Participate in Peace Talks

Tony Blair Calls for Intervention in Syria

Congress Delaying U.S. Aid to Syrian Rebels

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Turkey: From Project to Project, from Protest to Protest

Turkish Leadership Demoralized by Coup in Egypt

Ankara Slammed for Rights Violation

Erdogan Weakened, Turkey Polarized

Turkey Clears Gezi Park Protest with Water Cannons after Reopening

Turkey Again Closes Istanbul Park

Groups Gather in Turkish Protest Park after Night of Clashes

Macedonians Divided Over President’s Support for Erdogan

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Iran Further Bolsters Caspian Naval Presence with Elite Forces

Four Reasons Why Iran Wins from Morsi’s Fall

Obama Break Up with Karzai? US Considers Total Afghanistan Pullout

Afghan Gov’t Not in Hurry to Ink Security Pact with U.S.

Roadside Bomb Kills 17 in Afghanistan

Pakistani Taliban Sacks Central Spokesman

US SEALs Had Ground Support in Abbottabad Operation: Report

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Failed Banking System Prompts Iraqis to Hoard Gold

Total Acquitted in Iraq Corruption Case

Spokesman for the Governor of Nineveh Assassinated in Mosul

Al Maliki and Barzani: Unanimous Iraqi Stance on Syrian Situation

Lebanon’s Salafists Frustrated by Morsi Ouster

Car Bomb Rocks Hezbollah Stronghold in Beirut

Saudi Arabia & UAE to Lend Egypt’s Central Bank up to $8 Billion

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Libya: Protests in Tripoli

Libyan Armed Forces to be Trained in the UK

Tunisia Extends State of Emergency

HRW Calls for Morocco to Stop Sealing Houses to Punish Activists

Abu Qatada’s Deportation Sparks Fears of New Crisis in Jordan

Lebanese Construction Company Staff Kidnapped in Nigeria

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Over $45 Billion is ‘Suspicious Transactions’ Left Russia in 2013

Russia to Beef Up Strategic Deterrence Potential

Rosneft Starts Field Seismic Prospecting & Environment Studies with Eni in Barents Sea

Kyrgyzstan: Dogs Foiled Terror Attack against Manas?

Uzbekistan: Shining Light on the Uzbek Government’s Dark Side

* * * *

Euro Crisis Returns

UK Spying Agency Faces Legal Challenge

Germany Defends ‘Strictly Legal’ Cooperation with NSA

Six Wounded in Shootout on Kosovo-Serbia Border

National Newsworthy

Deals with Foreign Cable Owners, Secret Court Rulings Broaden NSA Spying Potential

NSA Controls Global Internet Traffic via Private Fiber-Optic Cables

US and Israel Did Create Stuxnet Attack Code

Average Cost per ‘Official’ Wiretap in The US: $50,452

Secret FISA Court Redefines Law to Justify Illegal Spying Operations

How the Separation of Powers Between the Executive Branch & the Judiciary has been Broken by the FISA Court

Judicial Oversight of U.S. Spying Rests with One Man…John Roberts

NSA Backlash Hits Privacy Legislation

Should National Intelligence Director Clapper be Charged with a Felony for Lying in Sworn Senate Testimony?

Top Terrorism Experts Say that Mass Spying Doesn’t Work to Prevent Terrorism

Your Life is Now Classified: NSA Rejecting All FOIA Requests by American Citizens

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Snowden Case Not the First Embarrassment for Booz Allen, or Burgeoning Contracting Industry

White House Lobbies Venezuela, Nicaragua for Snowden’s Return

Venezuela Confirms Received Asylum Request from Snowden

Mixed Reports on Snowden Venezuela Asylum

Edward Snowden Interview: The NSA and Its Willing Helpers

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Weaponized Drones on American Soil?

Army Spying Campaign Leads to Antiwar Activists Being Labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’

IRS Published Online Thousands of Social Security Numbers

House to Target IRS with Series of Bills

Facebook “Likes” Immigration Overhaulers

* * * *

State Department Official Accused of Trading Visas for Sex

State Department’s Watergate? Office of High-Profile Whistleblower Lawyer Burglarized

Teen Justin Carter Faces Trial & Jail for Facebook Comment

Judge Orders the Secret Service to Release Their File on Aaron Swartz

Lebanese Bank Accused of Terrorist Ties Hires Patton Boggs

Jon Corzine Will Not Face Criminal Charges over MF Global: Report

The Remarkable Goldman Extrapolation Engine Strikes Again

Consumer Borrowing in U.S. Rises $19.6 Billion

Student Loan Debt: Now for the Really Bad News

Nearly 1 in 6 Americans Receives Food Stamps

Exposing the Lie behind the Nonfarm Payroll Numbers

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Now You See it, Now You Don’t: The “Supposed” Bin Laden Kill- Raid to Remain Secret Forever

Pepe Escobar: Snowden- Towards an Endgame

Will Griggs: The State: Always the Accuser

Eric Margolis: So Much for Mid-East Democracy

Eric Draitser: Saudi Arabia, Qatar & the Struggle for Influence in Syria

M K Bhadrakumar: Turkey’s Sultan Deplores the Pharaoh’s Fall

Paul Pillar: Falling Off a Cliff in Egypt

America Pays, Whoever Is in Charge of Egypt

The Temptation of Coups

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) – Threat To National Sovereignty

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Why Government Regulation is a Lie (and what you can do about it)”

BFP EyeOpener Report Preview: Why Government Regulation is a Lie (and what you can do about it)”

Video 1: Live News- Ed Snowden Interview Part 2

Video 2: Corbett Report-Egyptian coup, Bolivian outrage, England easing – The Geneva Business…

BFP Podcast: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez- “Drones Don’t Kill People, Governments Do!”

Podcast: Corbett Report-Kaye Beach on How to Fight the Biometric Control Grid

Podcast: Zimbabwe Elections on Black Agenda Radio

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