BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 12, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“To see a wrong and not to expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance.” –Dr. John Raymond Baker

International Newsworthy

Egypt’s Sphinx Casts Eyes on Syria

Washington Supports Egypt’s New Rulers

US Congress Mulls Coup Waiver for Egypt

Egypt Army to Get Fighter Jets from US

US Navy Ships in Red Sea Move Close to Egypt as Precaution

‘Riyadh Opposed Morsi 2012 Presidency’

Egypt’s Islamists Rally to Demand Morsi’s Return

Muslim Brotherhood Missing from Egypt’s Road Map

Egypt’s Banned TV Stations Use State Unit for Broadcasts

U.S. Amphibious Assault Ships “Parked Off of Egypt”

Egyptian Coup Splits Middle East

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New Split in Syrian Opposition

Comrades in Arms: How Libya Sends Weapons to Syria’s Rebels

Pakistani Taliban Set Up Base in Syria, BBC Reports

Russia Slams West’s ‘Propaganda Storm’ on Syria Chemical Arms

Russia’s Envoy Objects U.S. Blame on Blocking UN Team into Syria

Obama Wags the Dog over Syria Chemical Weapons

Al-Qaeda Militants Killed Syrian Rebel Commander – FSA Spokesman

Kurdish Group Ready to Back Main Syria Opposition in Return for Rights Recognition

Syrian Civil War Keeps University Students at Home

Six Killed in Damascus Mortar Attack

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Exiled Group Claims Iran Building Secret Nuclear Base

Iran Rejects Secret Nuclear Site Allegation

Probe into Claims Canadian Officers Told Soldiers to Ignore Sexual Assaults of Afghan Boys by Allied Soldiers

US Forces Scramble with Afghans to Secure ‘Rat Lines’ from Pakistan

Twin Bombing Kills Five in Afghanistan

China Looks Again at Gwadar & Pakistan

Balochistan: Militants Kill Nephew of Baloch Nationalist Leader

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Kurdish Separatist Organization in Turkey Names New Leader

Iraq: Between Drug Dealers and Death Squads

Iraqi Minister Explains Country’s Stance on Regional Unrest

Dozens Killed in Iraq Cafe Blast

Hezbollah Blames Israel for Beirut Bomb

Lebanese Druze Leader Discusses Beirut Bombing, Syria

Saudi Arabia: AREVA & EDF Sign Agreement with National Institute of Technology to Develop Nuclear Skills

Algeria Signs Energy Agreement with EU

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Russia Winner in Energy Transit Deal With Turkey

Russia Steers Conservative, Steady Course in Middle East

Two Arrested in Attack on Russian Parliament Member

Are Russian Spies Switching to Typewriters to Avoid Interception?

With Massive Russian Military Aid, Is Kyrgyzstan Becoming A Client State?

Uzbekistan: In Search for Uranium, Japan Enters Risky Market

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Where Are the World’s Major Military Bases?

Most of Europe Has No Whistleblower Protection

UK Govt Refuses Litvinenko Public Inquiry

Luxembourg Government Resigns Following Spy Scandal

Sweden Draws Closer to Joining NATO Response Force

Australia’s Largest Telco Stored Data for FBI

National Newsworthy

Secret US Court’s Actions Mired in Controversy

Secret Intelligence Court a Precursor to Tyranny

Microsoft Gave Encrypted Message Access to NSA

Microsoft Instrumental in NSA’s Prism Program

NSA Even Spied on Google Maps Searches, Documents Suggest

NSA Talking Points On Utah Data Center: We’re Teaming Up With Tech Companies To ‘Protect’ The Internet

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Small Utah ISP Firm Stands Up to ‘Surveillance State’ as Corporations Cower

Local Law Enforcement Borrowing Federal Drones for Surveillance

California “Nullify NDAA” Bill Keeps Moving Forward

Oregon House Passes Bill to Legalize Medical Marijuana

Justice Dept. begins Unprecedented Monitoring of Miami Police over Fatal Shootings

Lawmaker Demands the National Guard Patrol the Streets of Chicago to Stop Gun Violence

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Snowden Seeks Temporary Asylum in Russia

Snowden Wants Asylum in Russia, Ready to Meet Condition Not to Damage US

White House: Obama to Personally Lobby Putin on Edward Snowden

US Pressures Human Rights Groups NOT to Help Snowden

China, US Spar over NSA Leaker Snowden

Trapped: An Air Escape from Moscow Unlikely for NSA Leaker Snowden

Experts: Obama’s Plan to Predict Future Leakers Unlikely to Work

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Fighting Back Against the Drones

US Homeland Security Chief Napolitano to Resign

Napolitano to Leave Obama, DHS to Lead the University of California

TSA Eyes Electronic ‘Randomizers’ to Sort Security Lines

Chairman: FBI Has ‘Chosen to Obstruct’ Oversight

Top Dem: IRS Inspector General Withheld Information from Oversight Panel

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Top 10 Hill Recipients of Defense Contributions

Cut Government Spending? Don’t Tell the Defense Information Systems Agency

Pharmacy Group Adds Lobbying Vet

Groups Spending Mystery Money in Kentucky, Arkansas Races

Malinowski Removed from 2007 and 2008 Lobbying Reports

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Leaded IMF Report Shows Dangers for US Economy

U.S. Jobless Claims Jump to 2-Month High

Inflation Is Too Low? Are You Kidding Us Bernanke?

Gas Prices Have Biggest Daily Jump in 6 Months

Ben Bernanke Says Federal Reserve Stimulus still Needed

US Banks As Broken As Ever: JPM Excess Deposits Rise to New Record; Loans at Pre-Lehman Levels

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Will the Wave of Global Unrest Crash on Indonesia Next?

Eric Draitser: Fomenting Civil War in Egypt

Julian Assange: How Cryptography Is a Key Weapon in the Fight Against Empire States

Phil Weiss: Goddamn the Neoconservatives

Stephen Lendman: Rage Against the System-Why It Matters

M K Bhadrakumar: Wanted- A Consensus Road Map on China

Doug Bandow: Sheikh-Up in Qatar

Paul Pillar: The New Israeli Ambassador

Eric Peters: The State’s Insurance Mafia

The Surveillance State Attacks the First Amendment

What’s in it for Obama?

The Arab Spring in Turmoil

Foreign Aid: The Seen and the Unseen

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT- Pepe Escobar: “Egypt can’t feed itself, will explode again soon”

Video 2: TruthLoader- Whistleblowing, Blackmailing and Bilderberg with James Corbett

Video 3: DARPA- DARPA’s Next Generation Terminator-like Robot Unveiled

BFP Podcast 1: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “Militarized Borders & Xenophobic Police States”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show- Snowden Seeks Temporary Asylum in Russia

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