BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 16, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and
 lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

International Newsworthy

Muslim Brotherhood’s Fall Divides Islamists in Egypt

Egyptian Islamists & Tamarod Shun Top US Official

Hamas Faces Financial Crisis After Egypt Tunnel Closure

7 Dead, 261 Injured, 401 Arrested in Overnight Egypt Clashes

Egypt Militants Kill Three in Sinai Bus Attack

Iran Changes Tack on Egypt

US Calls on Egypt to Avoid Political Arrests as Thousands of Morsi Supporters Take to Streets

Behind the Egyptian Army’s Ultimatum

Syrian Refugees in Egypt Swept Up in Turmoil

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Report: Israel Made Sure No Russians in Latkia – Then Attacked

Chemicals Found in Syria were from Saudi Arabia

Syria: Britain to Send 5,000 Chemical Weapon Protection Hoods

Yemen: Saudi Arabia Recruits Fighters for Syrian Rebels

Putin Returns Criticism to Turkish PM on Foreign Forces in Syria

Kuwait’s Hidden Hand in Syria

Al-Qaeda Affiliates Turn against Syria Opposition

Syria Rebels Want al Qaeda Suspect to Face Trial

Shells Hit Damascus as Syrian Troops Gain More Ground in Homs

David Cameron Warned Arming Syrian Rebels Could Embroil Britain in All-Out War

Military Force-The Main Tension Between Syria Kurdish Parties

Aleppo Starves Under Siege

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Russia, China Block UN Condemnation of Iran Missile Tests

UN Divided on Iran Sanctions Violations

Zahar Rebuilds Ties Between Hamas and Iran

US Ex-Officials Urge Diplomacy with New Iran President

Will the Iranian Impasse End with Rouhani?

Afghanistan Signs 30-Year Gas Pipeline Deal

Pakistan’s FM Condemns US Drone Strike in North Waziristan

Four Shia Hazaras among Seven Gunned Down in Quetta

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Turkey, Lonely Man of the Middle East

30 Detained in Istanbul in Gezi Park Operations

Swat, Police Arrest Former Ba’ath Party Member East of Ramadi

Eni Signs Amendment to Zubair Oil Field Technical Service Contract in Iraq

Illegal Marijuana Trade Thrives in Lebanon

Israeli Army Chief of Staff: IDF in 20 Billion Deficit

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Libya Reacts to the Turmoil in Egypt

Four Military Vehicles Exploded in Libya

Jordanian Salafist Leader Sees Post-Assad Conflict with Secularists

Bashir Leaves Nigeria amid Calls for Arrest

Algeria’s Islamist Parties Agree to Back Single Candidate

Liberia: Oil Boss in Hotseat Over Deal

M23 Rebels Advance Towards Goma

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Chinese FM Calls for Further Practical Cooperation within SCO

China Interested in Boosting Ties with Kyrgyzstan

Russia’s Nationalist Riots Rattle Putin

NATO General Oversees War Games in Ukraine

Georgia: Is Tehran Trying to use Tbilisi to Evade Sanctions?

Uzbekistan Media: We Should Join NATO, Conquer Eurasia

Tajik Islamic Party Seeks Election Partners

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PRISM: EU Renews Efforts to Get US to Recognize Citizens’ Right to Privacy

German Spies Made Use of U.S. Surveillance Data: Paper

EU Cracks Down on West Bank Settlements: No Aid for Israel without Guarantee it won’t go to Disputed Territory

EU Court Casts Doubt on Legality of Poland’s Shale Gas Licenses

France to Train Saudi Nuclear Workers

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

National Newsworthy

FAIRVIEW: The NSA’s Project to ‘Own the Internet’

The Crux of the NSA Story: ‘Collect It All’

NSA Leaks Open Way for Challenges to Programs’ Constitutionality

Yahoo Wins Lawsuit to Declassify Docs Proving Resistance to PRISM

James Comey’s Troubling Answers on Surveillance & Transparency

GOP Leaders Pushed to Allow House Vote on Defunding the NSA

Rep. Amash Will Try to Derail NSA Surveillance by Targeting Funds

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Snowden Submits Official Request for Temporary Asylum in Russia

Snowden Backlash: US Media Get Personal

Ecuador Inks $300K Lobbying Contract amid Snowden Asylum Fight Bradley Manning Case: Lawyers Battle over Most Serious Charge

New Evidence Suggests Muslim Convicted of Terrorism Charges Was Falsely Identified as al-Qaeda Agent

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DOJ’s New ‘Less Likely to Spy on Press’ Rules Only Apply to Whoever DOJ Feels Is Really ‘News Media’

The Case for Abolishing the DHS

Why Ray ‘Stop-and-Frisk’ Kelly Possibly Being Nominated to DHS Would Be So Dangerous

Montana Passes Sweeping Anti-Government Spying Bill

Chicago Police Start Using Facial-Recognition Software to Arrest Suspects

Stores Spy on Customers while They Shop

Obama Administration Failing To Meet Transparency Pledge With FOIA Requests

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Obama Hands Out Plum Ambassador Posts to Big Campaign Donors

Rep. Kline Turns Chairmanship into Profitable For-Profit Haul

Ex-Sen. Blanche Lincoln Opening her Own K Street Firm

Dem Operative Crider Headed to Microsoft

How Former Very Influential Revolving-Door Senators Give Corporate Propaganda Extraordinary Clout

Clinton Supporter Suspected of Illegal Donations

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Obama’s Military Budget Larger than Any Other President’s Since World War II

Military Suicide Problem Hits Home at MacDill AFB

Air Force Finds Funds to Let Thunderbirds Soar Again

Army Promises to Launch Effort to Compile War Records of Afghanistan and Iraq Wars

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The Debt Reckoning has Arrived

Student Loan Debt will Exceed Median Annual Income for College Grads

Big Miss in Retail Sales vs. Expectations

Goodbye Full-Time Jobs, Hello Part-Time Jobs, R.I.P. Middle Class

Treasury: Debt Has Been Exactly $16,699,396,000,000.00 for 56 Days

Consumer Prices Rise More Than Forecast on Surging Gasoline

Homebuilder Confidence Hits Strongest Level in 7-1/2 Years

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: The Guardian UK: Guardian of the Truth, or, Guardian of the Establishment?

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Banking on Influence with Goldman Sachs

Pepe Escobar: Meet a Moderate Syrian Insurgent

Ron Paul: The Government’s ‘Passion’ to Protect Us

Tom Engelhardt: Can Edward Snowden be Deterred?

Stephen Lendman: Israel Waging Undeclared War on Syria

Leon Hadar: In Egypt, Neither a Coup nor a Revolution

Paul Pillar: The Wheel of Alarm on Iran

Secrets Exposed: How the NSA Rubber-Stamps Warrantless Spying

Are Germany’s Intelligence Agencies and the Stasi Totally Different?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview Clip): How to Boycott Big Tech


Video 1: GRTV- Nile Bowie on Fighting The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Video 2: RT- ‘Obama Hypocrite of Century’

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Offers More Details: Sen. Feinstein and Others Were Wiretapped by NSA

Podcast 2: The Power Hour- James Corbett on Fukushima, Gold & Solutions

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