BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 17, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The great mass of people … will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.” –Adolf Hitler

International Newsworthy

New Front Demands Constitution before Elections

Egypt’s New Government Doesn’t Include Muslim Brotherhood

The Struggle for Egypt: Saudi Arabia’s Regional Role

Egypt Voices Resentment at Turkey’s Comments on Morsi’s Ouster

Cairo Tells Turkey Not to Meddle in Egypt

Top US Official Meets with Egyptian Junta as Crackdown Continues

Liberals Get Key Positions in New Egyptian Cabinet

Who’s Who: Egypt’s Full Interim Cabinet

Islamist Leader Sees No Egyptian Reconciliation Without Mursi Return

Army spokesperson: Morsi Not Detained, Army Protecting Him

Egyptians Confront Divisions over Morsi Ouster

Brotherhood Criticizes US Stance Towards New Egypt Rulers

Poll: Americans Want Nothing to Do With Egypt

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FSA Says Al-Qaeda to Announce Islamic State in Syria

Pakistan Denies Taliban Base in Syria

Clashes Re-Erupt in Syria between Al-Qaeda, Kurds

Free Syrian Army Arming al Qaeda, ISIL Commander Claims

Syria Crisis Worst Since Rwanda, UN Says

Syria Terrorists Torch Aid Convoys in Aleppo

Syria Stray Bullets Kill 2 in Turkey

Turkey Opens Retaliatory Fire into Syrian Territory

Britain Could Still Arm the Syrian Rebels, William Hague Says

Britain: Iran Can Join Syria Peace Talks only if it Changes Tack

Plunging Currency Adds to Syria’s Gloom

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World Powers Hope to Resume Iran Talks Quickly

New Iran President Backs Syria’s Assad, Hezbollah

Iran Police Seize Over 1.2 Tons of Illicit Drugs

Iran Set to Launch New Petro-Refineries

German General Pledges 2015 Presence in Afghanistan

Strike Shuts Down City of Quetta

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Turkey Arrests 30 Anti-Govt. Protesters

The Islamization of the Turkey’s Foreign Ministry

Iraqi Politicians Push for More Power to Provinces

Iraqi Court Orders Death for al-Qaeda Member

Iraq Seeks to Bar Top Officials From Dual Citizenship

EU Bans Funding Groups in Jewish Settlements

AQAP Confirms Death of Deputy Leader in Yemen

CIA Tips Off Hezbollah About al-Qaeda Bombing Plot

What Next for the Muslim Brotherhood?

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Nigeria: Hague Urged to Probe Military & Boko Haram Crimes

Tunisia’s Political Crisis Escalates

Sudan’s President One Step Ahead of a Suit and a Warrant

US Worried Ahead of Zimbabwe Poll, Warns on Credibility

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Chinese Navy Powers into New Waters

Russia Breaks into Top 5 World Economies, Displacing Germany

Igor Sechin Briefs President Putin on Rosneft Operations in Russian Far East

Tajik Journalist Arrested in Russia

Georgia to Join NATO Global Strike Force: Defense Chief

Reports: U.S. Has Agreed to Leave Kyrgyzstan Air Base

Russia Navigates Uncertain Kyrgyz Waters

Kyrgyzstan Extradites Suspect in Ile-Alatau National Park Massacre to Kazakhstan

Kyrgyzstan’s Dethroned “Prince” Has American Assets Frozen – Report

Azerbaijan: Digesting the Lessons of Egypt

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UK Selling Weapons to Human Rights Abusers

UK Police Implicated in US Senate’s Afghanistan ‘Kill List’

Berlin Calls for Global Data Protection Rules

German Opposition Blasts Merkel over U.S. Spying Scandal

Lithuania ‘Stonewalling’ Over CIA Jail Case

National Newsworthy

Forget PRISM: FAIRVIEW is the NSA’s Project to “Own the Internet”

The Creepy, Long-Standing Practice of Undersea Cable Tapping

The CIA’s New Black Bag Is Digital

Spygate Lawsuit Accuses NSA of Unconstitutional ‘Dragnet Electronic Surveillance’

‘You Are Being Tracked’: ACLU Reveals Docs of Mass License Plate Reader Surveillance

Gov’t Bureau ‘Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,’ Senator Warns

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DHS Warns Employees Not to Read Leaked NSA Information

Unitarian Church, Gun Groups Join EFF to Sue NSA Over Illegal Surveillance

Boycott Winter Olympics in Russia over Snowden, Senator Suggests

Russian Lawmaker Slams Graham’s Call for Olympics Boycott

Snowden Has No Plans to Leave Russia, Might Seek Citizenship – Lawyer

Would an American Jury Even Convict Edward Snowden?

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FBI Bars Florida from Releasing Autopsy Report in Shooting of Todashev, Friend of Marathon Bombing Suspect

US Special Forces Accused of Ordering Torture & Murder of Civilians

Paul Threatens Hold on FBI Nominee over Domestic Drone Policy

Colorado Town Considers Licensing Bounty Hunters to Shoot Down Drones

Keystone XL Scandal: Obama Attorney’s Law Firm Represents TransCanada’s Pipeline in Alaska

Judge Demands Tech Companies Hand Activist Data Over to Chevron

Navy Cyber War Rackets $900M for 13 Companies

U.S. Will Begin Exporting Its “Fracked” Gas

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Barclays Fined for Fixing US Power Prices

“Goldman Sachs is the Government”

74% of Small Businesses will Fire Workers, Cut Hours under Obamacare

Economic Growth Looks Weaker amid ‘Disconcerting’ Retail Sales Growth

Noteworthy Editorials

Tom Engelhardt: How to be a Rogue Superpower

Phil Giraldi: Edward Snowden Is No Traitor

Kevin Gosztola: If Snowden Isn’t a Whistleblower, Why Are His Disclosures on NSA Spying Having This Effect?

Nile Bowie: Tahrir Turbulence- Washington & SCAF as Obstacles to Change in Egypt

Progressives and NSA Spying

The War on Terror Is a War on American Freedom

Washington’s Long History in Syria

Road to Damascus Runs Through Tehran?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview Clip): How to Boycott Big Tech

Video: RT-’US citizen has no right to free speech?’

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Egypt: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution”

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Offers More Details: Sen. Feinstein and Others Were Wiretapped by NSA

Podcast 2: Corbett Report-Enemy of the State

Podcast 3: Radio Liberty: Meet Mark Carney

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