BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 18, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Justice is never given; it is exacted and the struggle must be  continuous for freedom is never a final fact, but a continuing  evolving process to higher and higher levels of human, social, economic, political and religious relationship. ” -A. Philip Randolph

International Newsworthy

Brotherhood’s Erian Denounces Egypt Coup

Egypt Extends Detention of 8 Brotherhood Leaders

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Rocked by Youth Rebellion

Loyalists of Egypt’s Morsi Protest against New Cabinet

Riot Police Block Morsi Supporters from Marching on Tahrir Square

EU Calls for Morsi Release amid Protests

Riyadh Rushes to Support Egypt’s New Military Rulers

U.S. Suggests Egyptian Military May Have Averted Civil War

General Who Toppled Morsi Will Hold Three Jobs in Egypt’s New Government

Is Egypt Media Inciting Hatred Against Palestinians?

Egypt’s ‘Road Not Taken’ Could have Saved Mursi

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Hezbollah on Shaky Ground in Syria

Syria’s Nusra Front Tries to Show It’s a Different Kind of al-Qaeda

How War in Syria Turned These Ordinary Engineers Into Deadly Weapons Inventors

Jihadists Expelled from Flashpoint Kurdish Syrian Town, NGO Says

Syrian Kurds to Declare Autonomy from Damascus

Clashes Re-Erupt in Syria Between Al-Qaeda, Kurds

Syria Revolution Needs Solving Kurds Problem: Ahmad Jabra

Aleppo Governor: Over 100 Trucks Loaded with Supplies Arrived in Aleppo within Past 24 Hours

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Economists Launch Iran Anti-Sanctions Bid

Israel Cries ‘Wolf’, Iran Shrugs Off

Marines’ Afghan Open Burn Pits Questioned as Incinerators Stand Idle

Taliban Seize Villages in E Afghanistan

Karzai Signs Afghan Election Reforms into Law

Taliban Kill 8 Afghan Workers en Route to US Base

4 Policemen Killed in N. Afghan Checkpoint Attack

Taliban Office Plot to Break up Afghanistan: Karzai Aide

NATO Aircraft Again Violate Pakistani Airspace

US Needs a New Drone Deal with Pakistan: Report

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HRW Urges Turkey to End ‘Incorrect, Unlawful’ Teargas Use, Cites Victims

Turkey: Protests Can’t Alter Ankara’s Syria Policy

The Islamization of Turkey’s Foreign Ministry

3 Killed, 21 Wounded in Mosul

After Election Rout, Kurds Lament Loss of Power in Diyala

Chilcot Inquiry Presses for Release of Iraq War Documents

Iraq’s Sex Trade Thrives

US to Sit Israel on UN Security Council

Al-Qaeda Yemen Branch Says No 2 Killed in US Drone Strike

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China Sends Infantry Troops to Africa

Libyan Minority Groups Say Will Boycott Constitution Vote

French General Says EU Mali Mission Should Be Extended

Morocco’s Cabinet Crisis

Ethiopia: Political Opposition Rises Again

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New Reef Rift Hits China-Philippines Ties

China in $5 Billion Drive to Develop Disputed East China Sea Gas

Russian Court Convicts Activist Navalny

Georgia: NATO Trains Arab Partners at Mountain Training Center

Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan: Water Dispute Highlights Potential for Conflict

Baku ‘Welcomes’ Solutions on Karabakh

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UK Police Supply Target Information for NATO ‘Kill List’

Britain’s Chemical Sales to Syria Revealed

UK Sells Arms to Own Listed Despots

Germany Denies Military Knew about PRISM

Itching to Ask: What Does Merkel Know About NSA Surveillance?

Italy Storm over Expulsion of Kazakh Dissident’s Family

Berlusconi Shadow Hangs over Europe

20,000 U.S. Troops Descend On Australia for Military Exercise

Is Canada’s Oil Charm Offensive Yesterday’s News?

National Newsworthy

Obama Wins Back the Right to Indefinitely Detain under NDAA

Appeals Court Ruling Upholding NDAA Indefinite Detentions

Obama’s ‘Insider Threat’ Policy Equates Whistleblowers, Spies, and Terrorists

Driving Somewhere? There’s a Government Record of That

Presidential ‘Blank Check for War’ Wielded Thirty Times, and Counting

‘America Has NO Functioning Democracy’ – Jimmy Carter on NSA

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NSA Reveals Even Greater Surveillance Scope

The NSA Admits It Analyzes More People’s Data than Previously Revealed

PRISM Part of Broader NATO Initiative?

Microsoft Hits Out at NSA Reports and Obama Justice Department

Bush-Cheney Illegal NSA Spying Began Before 9/11, Telecom CEO Claims

Google Experimenting with Anti-NSA Encryption

Russia to Rise Above Squabbling Over Snowden, Putin Says

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US Military Spending Lapping at Historic Highs, Not Lows

Pentagon Wants More Regular Testing After Failed Missile Test

Freelance Reporters Train in Combat Zone First Aid

Military Took No Action against A Third of All Sexual Assault Suspects in 2010 Closed Cases

How the CIA Copied James Bond’s Gadgets

Colorado Town Considers Hunting Licenses for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Bounties for Drones

Asset Forfeiture, the Cash Cow for the Drug War

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GOP Links IRS Counsel’s Office to Targeting Bias

IRS Employees Ordered to Send Tea Party Cases to IRS’s Only Obama Political Appointee

K Street Lobbyists storm Capitol Hill Offices to Rescue Tax Breaks

Israel is Samantha Power’s First Priority in Opening Statement to Congress

US Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against CIA over Scientist’s Death

Judge Refuses to Drop Charge of Aiding the Enemy Against Manning

Liz Cheney-Founded Neocon Group Quietly Scrubbed From the Internet

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US Refineries Are Running At High Levels

Deadline Postponed for Mandatory Reporting on Americans with Foreign Bank Accounts

Mega Banks Go After Credit Unions

Something Amiss with Retail Sales Numbers

Bernanke: Bond Tapering to Begin Later This Year, but Plan Not Preset

Bernanke Plays Down Link Between Jobless Rate, Fed Moves

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Banking on Influence With Bank of America

Washington’s Blog: Are “Professional” Politicians the Problem?

Stephen Lendman: Snowden- Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Paul Pillar: The Arabs’ Spring and Our Mindset

NSA is More Than Just a Spy Network

The “Unnatural Death” of David Kelly, Ten Years On: A Spectacular Failure of Political Accountability

Journalism on Trial as Bradley Manning Case Nears Moment of Truth

The Quicksand of Self-Deception

Mr. Netanyahu’s Ultimate Sin

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

Video: Corbett Report-War Games, David Kelly, Drug Deaths – New World Next Week

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Egypt: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Douglas Valentine on Ellsberg and the CIA

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-NSA Spooks Give 3-Hop Spin on Capitol Hill

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