BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 23, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“A functioning police state needs no police.” –William S. Burroughs

International Newsworthy

US Edges Closer to Arming Syrian Rebels

US Intel Committees Approve Arming Syrian Rebels, Top General Warns of Costs  

Russia: Al-Qaeda-Linked Extremists Hold 200 Kurdish Civilians Hostage as ‘Live Shield’ in Syria

Syrian Kurds Reject SNC, Al-Qaeda

YPG Commander: Kurds Are Bulwark against Islamic Extremism in Syria

Kurds Cement Power in War on Turkish Border

Russia Considering Loan to Damascus

Russia Says Assad Is Ready for Peace Talks

Dutch Woman Arrested for ‘Recruiting Syria Jihadists’

Syria isn’t about Syria anymore

For Syria’s Assad, Homs is the Key Target, Not Aleppo

Syria: Pro-Assad Group Hacks Messaging Networks

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The Nour Party’s Perilous Gamble

EU Calls on Military to Stand Aside in Egypt

Egypt Clashes Leave Another Six Dead

The Jihadist Threat in Egypt’s Sinai

Christians Attacked in Egypt by Muslim Brotherhood Supporters

Family of Egypt’s Mursi Threaten Legal Action over ‘Abduction’

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UK Peer: MKO Ban Members from Iran

Will Hamas Re-Enter Iran’s Orbit?

Iran Not to Accept Nuclear Obligations beyond NPT

Afghan Mission Far from Ending

Afghan Donkey-Bomber Kills Three NATO Troops

Karzai, Sharif Take Reality Check

Pakistan to Sign Power Pact with Iran

India, China Hold Talks to Resolve Border Dispute

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Jihadis Reignite a Vulnerable Iraq

Iraq Rebuilds Ties to Saudi Arabia

Turkey’s Kurdish Question Extends to Syria

EU Terror List: Hezbollah Unlikely to Feel Sanctions

Lebanese Officials Slam EU Decision to Blacklist Hezbollah

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Is the US Ramping Up a Secret War in Somalia?

Libya Involved in U.S. -NATO Black Sea Military Exercise

Protest Halts Libya’s Zueitina Port’s Oil Exports for 6th Day

In Mali, Glitches Threaten Legitimacy of Election

Uganda Police Arrest Opposition Figure to Prevent Rallies

Congo Army, M23 Rebels Resume Fighting

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Acting Moscow Mayor Wants Foreigners Expelled over Administrative Offenses

Russia Orders Snap Drill of Missile Forces

Germany Launches Probe into NSA Ties

Dutch Refuse to Extradite Suspect to US

Britain Admits Selling $12 Billion in Weapons to Israel

UK to Probe Chinese Telecoms Firm over Security Concerns

US Drone Strikes Guided From Australian Outback

Great Barrier Reef Boss Wants US Bombs Removed

National Newsworthy

Leaked Report Shows High Civilian Death Toll from CIA Drone Strikes

Leaked Pakistan Government Report Confirms Dozens of Children Have Been Killed by US Drones

Court: Chevron Can Seize Americans’ Email Data

‘What Is That Box?’ — When the NSA Shows Up at Your Internet Company

Measure to Defund NSA Spying Up for House Vote

Right and Left Unite on Surveillance Issue

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Russia Sees ‘Double Standard’ in US Call for Snowden Extradition

TSA: Give Us Your Fingerprints, Web History and You Can Keep Your Shoes On

Homeland Security Official Faces Abuse, Nepotism Accusations

Homeland Security’s Drifting Growth

Lockheed Martin Profits Rise Despite Sequester Cuts to Defense

SEC Revolving Door Leads to $5 Million Payday for Former Chief Enforcer

AMA Helps Doctors Overbill Medicare by Exaggerating Time Needed for Procedures

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SEC Warns: Prepare for Repo Defaults

Biggest Banks Face Fed Restoring Barriers in Commodities

Internet Sales Tax Fight Moves to House

Biggest Banks’ Debt Holdings to Be Published

Exploiting Regulation Loophole, Goldman Sachs Gains Billions from Warehousing Aluminum

The Tip Of The Iceberg of the Coming Retirement Crisis That Will Shake America to the Core

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: War against Iran, Iraq and Syria?

Nat Hentoff: Will Congress Rescue Disappearing Constitution?

Michael Rozeff: The U.S. Is a Failed State- Dissolve It

Paul Pillar: Abusing the Confirmation Process


Stephen Lendman: America and Germany- Longstanding Espionage Partners

David Swanson: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): The Terrible Plutocratic Plan

The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report- Who Funded Hitler?

Video 2: Dempsey: US Considering Use of Force in Syria

Video 3: Phishing Chips: Sim Card Bug Exposes Users to Surveillance & Fraud

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show-Curious Policy Shift at Gitmo, New Hearings for 71 Prisoners

Podcast: Interview- Military Buildup Around Syria Points to Another Invasion

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