BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 25, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“The atom bombs are piling up in the factories, the police are prowling through the cities, the lies are streaming from the loudspeakers, but the earth is still going round the sun.” –George Orwell

International Newsworthy

Syria Slams Washington over Arming Rebels

Russia Praises Damascus for Willingness to Cooperate with U.N.

Jihadists’ Rise, Kurdish Self-Rule Disrupt Syrian Alliances

Kurdish Parties Back Draft Interim Government in Syrian Kurdistan

Syria’s Kurdish Militant Leader: Turkey has Nothing to Fear from us

Pakistani Taliban Leader Discusses ‘Global Jihad,’ Syria in al Qaeda Video

Israel Angered by U.S. Leaks of Submarine Missile Attack on Syria

UN: Syria Death Toll Rises Above 100,000

UN Chemical Weapons Team Arrives in Syria

The West Should Prepare for Assad’s Victory in Syria

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Morsi’s Supporters Accuse DM of Calling for Civil War

Egypt’s Army Raises Pressure on Islamists with Call for Rallies

Egypt Protests Defy Army Chief’s Call

McKeon: Egypt’s Military ‘Doing the Right Thing’

Pentagon Delays Fighter Sales to Egypt

What Does Riyadh Expect From Cairo?

Egypt Imposes Toughest Gaza Restrictions in Years

Egypt’s Defense Council Vows to Fight Terrorism

Nasrallah: No Cabinet without Hezbollah

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Iran to Launch Largest Floating Oil Terminal

Zero Troops in Afghanistan? It’s a Serious Option, Pentagon Says

Biden Seeks to Assure India on Afghanistan, Presses on Trade

Pakistan: PPL Announces Gas and Condensate Discovery

Pakistani Taliban’s Jundullah Group Claims Responsibility for Sukkur Attack

Pakistan’s Security Tied With Afghanistan, Says US

Pakistani Cabinet Approves Major Economic Accord with China

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How Iraq will Win the Arab Spring

Infographic: Why Is Iraq’s Violence Surging?

Kurdish Security Forces Shield Region from Iraqi Security Woes

Iraqi Militants Kill 14 Shia Muslims at Roadblock

Army Forces Cut Off the Highway Between Baghdad and Anbar Since Jailbreak

The Rise of al-Qaeda 2.0

Yemeni President Pardons Reporter Obama Wanted Kept in Jail

Yemen Censures Iran Diplomat Abduction

Hezbollah Chief Warns EU of Complicity in Israeli Aggression against Lebanon

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UN Envoy Warns of Worsening Violence in Darfur

Fears for South Sudan as President Sacks Entire Govt

S. Sudan: Mixed Reaction in Juba to Dissolution of Government

Tunisia: Thousands Take to the Streets after Opposition Leader is Gunned down 

S. Africa to Give New Impetus to Relations with Iran: Official

Eastern Congo Rebel Group Charges That Civilians Were Killed in Army Strikes on Military Camp

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Russia’s Military Response to The Asia Pivot: Flexing Small Muscles

Russia Calls on NATO to Review Cold War Methods of Arms Control

Russia Slams Cold War-Style, Article 5 NATO War Games on Border

Russia’s Military on the March in Asia

Russian Military Cannot Vacation in the US, Georgia & Other Unreliable Countries

Medvedev Blames Lack of Competitiveness for Low Russian GDP Growth

World Bank Should Emphasize Public Participation in Turkmenistan, Says HRW

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Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania: NATO Puts Italy Back in War Business

License Plate Scanning Cameras Ruled Illegal in Britain

The Betrayal of Dr. David Kelly, 10 Years On

Germany’s Famous Ex-Gitmo Inmate Speaks Out

National Newsworthy

How Protecting Your Privacy Could Make You the Bad Guy

US Politicians Back Prism Spying Program

House Vote 412: Rejects Limits on NSA Data Collection

NSA Claims It Is Unable to Search its Own Emails Due to Having an “Antiquated” System

Amnesty Slams US for ‘Blatant Attempt’ to Influence Journalist Case in Yemen

Judge Refuses to Acquit Manning on Theft Charges 

‘Aiding the Enemy’: The Unprecedented Prosecution of Bradley Manning

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

Snowden Fate Threatens to be Long-Term Thorn in US-Russia Relations

U.S. Wants Russia to “Return” Snowden, Not “Extradite”: Ambassador

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Army’s Giant Surveillance Blimp to Track Objects in DC Region

Army Admits Thousands of War Records Are Missing

House Roll-Call on Pentagon Funding

Gitmo Costs Continue to Soar: $454 Million for 2013

Congress to Probe Crash That Killed SEAL Team 6 Members

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White House Ducks Out of Senate’s First Guantanamo Hearing in 5 Years 

Obama ‘Pivots’ for 19th Time

Only 1 in 5 Americans Trust the Government to Do What Is Right

Republicans to Boycott Hearing for Obama’s Homeland Security Pick

Tax Writers Promise 50 Years of Secrecy for Senators’ Suggestions

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First Organization to Spend a Billion Dollars on Lobbying: U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Akin Gump Adds Holder Advisor to ‘Crown Jewel’ Practice

Deep in Hock: 10 Most Indebted Campaign Committees

Staff Data Leaks Out of the SEC

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SAC Capital to Face Criminal Charges

Another Debt Ceiling Showdown Looms

U.S. Jobless Claims Rose Last Week by 7000

Two Americans Added to Food Stamp Rolls for Every Job Administration Says It Created

Collateral Damage: QE3 and the Shadow Banking System

FED’s Propaganda on Deflation, Inflation & Bubbles

The Nightmare Ahead: 19 US Cities Have More Public Workers per Resident than Detroit

American Roads Files for Bankruptcy

Will your Pension Disappear, Post-Detroit?

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Banking on Influence with Citigroup

Norman Solomon: Contempt for the Bill of Rights: Obama’s Willing Executioners of the Fourth Amendment

Jacob Hornberger: The Evil of the National-Security State

Domestic Snoops Win the Day

War on Whistleblowers: Has Obama Scrapped 1st Amendment?

The Corporate Media’s Mass Hypnosis

Bagram: The Other Guantanamo

Democratic Establishment Unmasked

“Progressive” Mainstream Media Supports the Destabilization & Balkanization of Syria

When Iraq Invaded the United States

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT- ‘NSA Criminals, Surveillance Not Part of my America’

Video 2: Press TV-Britain Violates Own Anti-Terrorist Legislation

Video 3: Charlie McGrath- Paving the Path to Destruction

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent W/Guillermo Jimenez: “Stateless Order-Libertarian Solutions to Real World Problems

Podcast 1: Smells Like Human Spirit- Secrets, Spies & 7/7 with Tom Sacker

Podcast 2: Talk Nation Radio- Hunger Strikers and the Law vs. the Prison Industry

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