BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 29, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“There are people who are generic. They make generic responses and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box and they think people who don’t fit into their box are weird. But I’ll tell you what, generic people are the weird people. They are like genetically-manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids. Like ignorance.” –C. JoyBell C.

International Newsworthy

Thousands of Syrian Police Who Joined the Rebels are on U.S. Payroll

CIA’s Favorite Saudi Prince is Laying the Groundwork for a Post-Assad Syria

Al-Qaeda Militants Travel to Syria Via Turkey

Reports: Israel Attacked Syrian Weapons Convoy

NGO: Syrian Forces Gain in Assault on Rebel Homs

Al Qaeda Member Confirms Terrorists Entry to Syria

Qatar-Funded Syrian Rebel Brigade Backs al Qaeda Groups in Syria

Yemenis Rally in Front of Egyptian Embassy to Support Morsi

Syrian Rebels Kill 123 in North, Mostly Civilians

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Face Suspicion

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Egypt’s Interim President Gives Emergency Powers to PM

Egypt: PM Has Right to Give Military Arrest Powers

Egypt: Many Protesters Shot in Head or Chest-HRW

Police Used Live Bullets in Cairo Violence: Brotherhood

Egypt Interior Minister Issues Warning as Morsi Supporters Continue Sit-Ins

Impoverished Gather for Morsi, Well-Heeled March for the General

Egypt’s Brotherhood: Zionists Destabilize Arab Countries

Turkey’s Erdogan Slams EU for Stance on Egypt Bloodshed

AU Panel for Egypt Undertakes Week-Long Mission to Cairo

US Military Aid to Egypt

Rand Paul Targets Egypt Aid

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Google Disables Iran’s Press TV YouTube Account

Iran’s President-Elect Specifies “Probable” Nominees of Key Posts: ISNA

Afghan Eyes Iran Deal to Boost Trade to Europe, India

Britain Conducts Secret Afghan Mission

65 Killed in US Air Raids in Afghanistan

Business Booms for Asylum Middlemen in Afghan Exodus

Pakistan’s Mountain Region, Once Immune, Now the Site of Insurgent Violence

Afghan Official Goes Missing in Quetta

Seven Pakistan Coastguards Shot Dead in Gwadar

6 Killed in U.S. Drone Strike in NW Pakistan

Multinational Firms Eye Pakistan for Genetically-Modified Products

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“Any Sort of Crisis”: NATO Warships Dock in Turkey

Turkish Police Deny Reports Tying Syrian Suspects to Bishops’ Alleged Murders

Leftist Turkish Cypriot Party Wins Opportunity to Form Government

Gezi Cleansing in Turkish Media

Turkish Police Detain Seven Protesters around Istanbul Park

Blast Halts Iraq Oil Exports to Turkey

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US Warns of Increased Risk of Terrorist Attacks in Iraq

17 Bombs Explode across Iraq Killing at Least 60 

As Kurds Grow Stronger, Oil Pulls at Iraq’s Continued Unity

Baghdad Cafe Raids Put Sadr on the Spot

Profiting Off War: a Look into the World of Israeli Arms Dealing

Debate Intensifies Over Hezbollah’s EU Blacklisting

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Angry Libyans Ransack Muslim Brotherhood Offices

Benghazi Activist Assassinated

Report: Lockerbie Bomber Was Released by Britain Because of £400million Arms Deal With Libya

Explosions Rock Libya’s Benghazi, Protesters Take to Streets

Jordan, World Bank Sign 150-mln-USD Loan Deal

Al Shabaab Claim Attack on Turkish Mission in Somalia, Three Dead

South Sudan Gripped by Power Struggle

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The New Great Game Round-Up, July 28

Beijing Boosts Controls on Online Content

Putin ‘Determined’ Snowden Case Will Not Hurt US Ties

World’s Biggest Economies Team Up in WTO Fight against Russian Car Levy

China’s Help Raises Kyrgyz Concerns

Kyrgyzstan’s American Lawyers Working to Reopen Bakiyev Case

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EU Plans ‘Independent Spying Agency’

UK Web Filter Censorship: One ISP Is Fighting Back

Germans Urge Govt. to Offer Snowden Asylum

Merkel Chief of Staff Testifies Before Parliament on NSA Spying

US Spy Agencies Spied on New Zealand Journalist

Illegal Spying Row Spreads to New Zealand Military after Journalists Targeted as “Threat”

National Newsworthy

US Allowed Kidnap Prosecution to Shield CIA Higher-Ups

US Approves Drones for Civilian Use

Pentagon Refuses to Release Names of Enemies it’s Fighting

‘Big Data’ Dynamo: How Giant Tech Firms Help the Government to Spy on Americans

Greenwald: Low-Level NSA Analysts Allowed to Spy on Phone Calls

Opponents of NSA Surveillance Emboldened by Close House Vote

Did Campaign Contributions Influence Representatives who Voted in Favor of NSA Phone Spying?

Wyden Calls FISA Court ‘Anachronistic’; Pressure on Senate to Act

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Monsanto Teaming Up with US Military to Target GMO Activists

US Navy Gets in on Drone Action with First Real Carrier Landing

US Navy Wants to Expand Philippine Presence, Create Base

Nuclear Weapons Site Reportedly Fails Security Tests

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States Seek to Nullify Obama Efforts

The Government Project that is $6 Billion Over Budget and 10 Years Late

Chris Christie Finds Liberty a ‘Dangerous Idea’

Louisiana Flood District Sues Largest Oil and Gas Companies for Destroying Coastal Areas

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Bernanke to Testify in Court over AIG Bailout

Chicago Next? Windy City Cash Balance Plummets to Only $33 Million as Debt Triples

Alarming Number of US Citizens Face Poverty, 80% Suffer Joblessness – Report

4 in 5 in US Face Near-Poverty, No Work

Student Drought Hits Smaller Universities

Mortgage Company Sued for Giving Bonuses to Employees who Steered Homeowners to Bad Deals

Chart of the Day: Monthly Home Payment Soars 40% to 2008 Levels

Noteworthy Editorials

Ron Paul: A House Divided Over NSA Spying on Americans

James Bamford: They Know Much More Than You Think

Gary North: The Surveillance State Is Doomed

Dave Lindorff: Holder promises Russia not to torture Snowden- A Shameful Day to Be a US Citizen

Washington’s Blog: The Federal Reserve Is Bailing Out FOREIGN Banks … More than the American People or Economy

M K Bhadrakumar: Rouhanimania Grips the World

The New Dirty Word: Whistleblower

Who Are We at War With? The Answer Is Classified

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT- ’1984 is Now!’: Germans Protest Berlin’s Role in NSA Spying

Video 2: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Bombs Destroyed WTC Lobby

BFP Podcast Show: Author-Journalist Peter Lance on “TWA 800 Crash & The ‘Unholy Alliance’ of FBI and Mob”

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Reflecting on Revolution”

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Pepe Escobar on the Global Civil War

Podcast: 2 Algerians to be Freed from Guantanamo