BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 1, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“An age is called Dark, not because the light fails to shine, but because people refuse to see it.” –James A. Michener

International Newsworthy

West’s Main Aid Group for Syrian Rebels Collapses into Disarray

Syrian War Reaches Explosive Stage

Deadly Explosions Hit Syria’s Homs

Russian Airborne Troops Train for Possible Evacuation of Diplomats from Syria

Syria to Allow UN Chemical Weapon Investigators to Explore 3 Sites

Fighting Rages for Town in Syria Chemical Weapons Row

Kurds Vow to Defeat Rebels Linked to al-Qaida in Syria

Killing of Kurdish Leader Further Complicates Syrian Factions

Iraqi Kurds to Voice Concern on al-Nusra During Ankara Visit

Jailed and Raped for Not Fasting by Al Nusra Front Jihadists

Why Fewer Ground Reports Are Emerging From Syria

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Egypt: U.S. Senate Rejects Aid Cut

U.S. to Go Ahead with Joint Military Exercise in Egypt

Egypt: Competing for Corpses

Fourth Revolutionary Wave to Engulf Egypt

Pro-Morsi Rallies No Longer Acceptable: Egyptian Cabinet

Pro-Morsi Crowd Defies Egypt Cabinet Warning

Egypt’s ‘Third Square’ Protests Reject Army, Islamists

Tamarod Wants Muslim Brotherhood Listed as Terrorist Organization

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U.S. Lower House Passes Bill on Tougher Sanctions against Iran

Google Yet to Explain Iranian TV YouTube Block

NATO Copter Mistakenly Kills 4 Afghan Troops

Rail Route Upsets Remote Afghan Province

NATO Admits Its Left Unexploded Munitions in Closed Afghan Bases

Taliban Jailbreak Prompts Fears of More Attacks on Pakistan Prisons

Top Jamaat Leader Found Guilty of Bangladesh War Crimes

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Turkey’s Flirt with Islamists Turns Sour in Somalia

Kirkukis Dice with Death during Ramadan

OPEC Again Excludes Iraq from Oil Quotas

Iraq’s Security Services in Crisis

Iraq Suffers Power Crisis as Temperatures Soar

Yemen’s President Meets Senators as US Grapples With Guantanamo Detainee Issue

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Tunisians Stage Sit-In in Support of Army

Terrorism Comes to Tunisia

Tunisia Minister Quits after Murder of MP

Somali Envoy: Eritrea Continues Support to Al-Shabaab

Sudan in Rebel Ambush Kills 9 Soldiers Transporting Fuel to UN Troops in Abyei

UN Warns It Will Disarm Congo Rebels

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Russia Vows to Accelerate Development of Unmanned Combat Systems

Russia to Press for International Internet Behavior Code to Fight Emerging Threats

Moscow Police Detain 1,200 Illegal Migrants from Vietnam

No Release in Sight for Tymoshenko

Georgia: Ex-Defense Minister Found Not Guilty on Some Abuse, Torture Charges

Kyrgyzstan: Is Gazprom Deal a Blessing or Curse for Bishkek?

Karabakh Armed Forces Claim Huge Weapons Acquisitions

8 Arrested in Greece for Illegal Transfer of Weapons to Turkey

National Newsworthy

US Spy Chiefs Admit Snooping on Americans

NSA Collects ‘Everything a User Does on Internet’

NSA’s XKeyscore Presentation from 2008 – Read in Full

NSA Paid British Spy Agency $100m in Secret Funds

Overseas Companies Reluctant to Use US Cloud after Snowden NSA Leaks

NSA Power Doubles Every 4 Years – Assange

No Warrant Needed to Obtain Cell Phone Data from Telecom Providers, Federal Court Rules

Twitter: Government Info Requests on the Rise

Mega Advertising Corps Creating Database Comparable to NSA

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Manning Guilty Verdict Designed to Intimidate Future Whistleblowers

Manning Sentencing: WikiLeaks ‘Strained’ US-Afghan Ties

Bradley Manning Convicted of Computer Fraud for Using a Free, Open-Source Program

Snowden Granted 1-Year Asylum in Russia, Leaves Airport

White House ‘Extremely Disappointed’ in Russia over Snowden Asylum

US ‘Evaluating Utility’ of Summit with Russia after Snowden Granted Asylum

Snowden’s Dad Declines FBI’s Moscow Offer

Letter from Edward Snowden’s Father and His Lawyer, Bruce Fein, to President Obama

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Pentagon: Guantanamo Tab $5.2 Billion and Counting

No Sanctions for FBI’s Evasive Court Tactics

Report: TSA Employee Misconduct Up 26% in 3 Years

TSA Workers Breach Security, Sleep on the Job: Report

USDA Paid $36 Million in Aid Money to Dead Farmers for Four Years

U.S. Expects Immunity for its Cops Working in New Cross-Border Policing Program

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For Congress, ‘It’s Classified’ is New Equivalent of ‘None of Your Business’

Sen. Ron Wyden Rips Administration on NSA Data Mining Claims

Chris Christie Does Bellyflop on NSA Spying

House Judiciary Chairman Calls Holder’s Testimony ‘Deceptive & Misleading’

Republicans Say IRS Can’t Be Trusted with ObamaCare Data

Journalists or Criminals-Senate Report on Holder

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Obama: Top Tax Rate Should Be 28% for Corporations, 40% for Small Businesses

Bankrupt Detroit Receives Less US Aid than Colombia

Jobless Claims in U.S. Fall to Lowest Level in Five Years

Car Sales Miss Expectations across the Board

Former Fed Gov. Heller: US Economy Still in ‘Mud Field’

Company Pensions in Peril as Shortfalls Hit Record

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Banking on Influence with Wells Fargo

Dave Lindorff: Manning, Snowden and Swarz: America’s Police State Marches On, Media in Tow

Philip Weiss: Bradley Manning Helped Start the Arab Spring, but NPR Wants to Talk about his Gender Issues

Chase Madar: Vietnam- A War on Civilians

Andrew Napolitano: Liberty’s Backlash

Paul Pillar: The Nuclear Iran Promotion Act

Washington’s Blog: SA Spying Directly Harms Internet Companies, Silicon Valley, California … And the Entire U.S. Economy

The Danger of American Apathy on NSA Surveillance

Committing War Crimes is a Duty; Reporting Them is a Felony

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: White House “Unable” to Confirm Whether Congress was Briefed on XKeyscore

Video 2: RT-NSA’s Google: XKeyscore Search Engine for All Private Info

BFP Podcast 1- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: “The Notion of School as a Mechanism of Control”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Europe Under ‘Austocracy’”

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show- Key Senators Turn Against NSA Surveillance

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