Secret service agent to Fox News: “I did not swear an oath to cover for misdeeds of [HRC]” (Video)

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Article first appeared on RPT…

Yesterday RPT reported that former secret service agent Dan Bongino was threatening to reveal details about Bill Clinton’s 26 documented trips onboard the pedophile plane owned by convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”
Zerohedge reported that Bongino and former Hillary Clinton aide Nick Merrill started feuding after Merrill challenged Bongino’s claim that Clinton was the most “manipulative political person in a position of power [he had] ever met in my entire life.”

Merrill fired back that Hillary “has enormous respect for the Secret Service & a great relationship with the agents on her detail.” He also alleged that Bongino was never on the Clintons’ detail – a claim that Bongino almost immediately disproved by supplying a photo of him sitting behind Hillary Clinton back in 2001.

This pic is from NY Newsday’s inside cover taken at the US Open in 2001. It’s one of literally hundreds of operations I conducted with Hillary documented throughly by official US govt paperwork of which I still have copies. You’re welcome to stop by & review the paperwork.Thanks.

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— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 24, 2017

Bongino then dropped this explosive bomb of a tweet on the Clinton aide…

“Be careful Nick, people know things not yet released publicly about your messiah Hillary. Don’t poke the bear loser, you may not like the results. #Epstein #EmailGate”

Be careful Nick, people know things not yet released publicly about your messiah Hillary. Don’t poke the bear loser, you may not like the results. #Epstein #EmailGate
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 24, 2017

Bongino was not done with Merrill tweeting about the infamous sex orgy “Epstein planes”…

“Dear Nick, are you guys sure you know everyone on the Epstein planes?”

Dear Nick, are you sure you destroyed ALL of the Blackberries. Was there govt property in the bunch? #PeopleKnow
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 24, 2017

The Duran reported in May 2016 that ex-President Bill Clinton was not only fooling around with White House interns, but had been involved in a “boys gone wild” sexcapade with billionaire and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
The bromance saw Bill Clinton board an orgy plane trip dubbed the “Lolita Express”, to the lavish private party island dubbed “Orgy Island”.
On Saturday, Bongino pointed out that the Clinton mafia attacked him as a loose cannon and a fraud. If he really is, then why are they so worried?
Bongino tweeted…

“Why the coordinated rush by the Clinton mob to attack me if I’m just some loose cannon. Why worry about it? Why not just move along. It’s because they know what they’re hiding.”

Why the coordinated rush by the Clinton mob to attack me if I’m just some loose cannon. Why worry about it? Why not just move along. It’s because they know what they’re hiding.
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 25, 2017

Via The Gateway Pundit

The tide is turning against the Clintons. No longer do the Clintons have the full cooperation of the media and the DC elites. The Clintons no longer wield power and now they are viewed as collateral damage.
Everything the Clintons have done needs to come to light. They should be investigated and brought to justice. True American values reject the notion of ‘royals’. The Clintons have been viewed as royalty for too long and it’s time to end the charade.

Bongino was on Fox & Friends to discuss the Clinton mafia, hinting that ‘there are secrets about the Clintons that the public doesn’t know yet’ …and more importantly telling Fox that he has reliable sources with information (destructive information) on the Clintons, but his sources are afraid to speak out of fear for their lives.

.@dbongino: “I swore an oath to the Constitution in the Secret Service. I did not swear an oath to cover for the misdeeds of [HRC].”
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 25, 2017

The post Secret service agent to Fox News: “I did not swear an oath to cover for misdeeds of [HRC]” (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
