UK Defence Minister known as friend to Ukrainian fascists and Takfiri terrorists, resigns

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Michael Fallon (no relation to comedian Jimmy Fallon) who served as the UK Defence Minister since 2014, has resigned. It is thought that his resignation is related to matters that are sexual in nature.
Fallon is known for using his platform to spout anti-Russian hatred, while encouraging western countries to unilaterally arm rogue regimes and militants with openly anti-Russian agendas.
Fallon pursued a notorious policy of arming and training the Ukrainian regime as well as sending UK troops as advisers to Kiev’s military forces, outside of the scope of NATO. It was also never clear if he even informed NATO colleagues of his unilateral decision.

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This was occurring at the same time as the Kiev regime was caught using chemical weapons on civilian populations in Donbass.

When Ukraine dropped chemical weapons on Donbass, the west didn’t care (VIDEO)

The Kiev forces, which stands accused of child rape during their ongoing war of aggression against Donbass, were a particular passion for Mr. Fallon. When it appeared that Donald Trump might abandon Barack Obama’s pro-regime policies in Ukraine, Fallon made statements to the press indicating that Britain would not follow Trump’s supposed lead.
While Fallon happily supported the chemical weapons using Kiev regime, he supported Takrifi terrorists in Syria while blaming Russia for an alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib, that is widely believed, including by the Russian Defence Ministry, to have been a false flag coordinated by the al-Qaeda supporting White Helmets group.

Russian Defence Minsitry: No one has asked for antidotes or medicines around location of alleged Idlib chemical attack

Fallon seemed to have never met a war he did not like, especially one where provoking Russia was implicit in any military action.
The post UK Defence Minister known as friend to Ukrainian fascists and Takfiri terrorists, resigns appeared first on The Duran.
