Northerntruthseeker Mini Rant: My Perspectives On This Psycho Harvey Weinstein And Jewish Perversion In "Jew-Lywood" (Hollywood)

I have received some emails asking WHY I have not bothered to talk about this sickness of "Harvey Weinstein" and of course the perversions of the Jews that have always controlled Hollywood, or what I properly call "Jew-lywood"....  I figured I would do a "mini-rant" to give my thoughts on this matter..Lets not beat around the bush here when it comes to "Hollywood"... The facts are that the psychotic and mentally unbalanced Jews have ALWAYS controlled that sexually deprived and filthy cesspool since it was created as the centre for "movie production" way back over a century ago.... So many people so quickly forget about exactly WHO controls every major "motion picture" studio in that centre of filth and perversion, which of course are the criminal Jews and their "tribe"....  EVERY studio is not only run by these criminals, but the producers of every major film as well as the directors are all JEWS.....And we so quickly forget about who has come out well before this "Harvey Weinstein" clown that have exposed how the "casting couches" in every Hollywood production facility has been nothing more than more sexual perversions where so many "stars" got their big starts by having to have sex with these filth....  We so quickly forget how child stars, such as Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, came out years back talking about how they were forced to have intercourse with major Jewish producers and directors or they would be OUT of Hollywood..... Sadly, Corey Haim himself died back in 2010, having suffered so many psychological problems due to his sexual abuse from his years in Jew controlled Hollywood.... I can guarantee that these two stars are just a drop in the bucket, as hundreds if not thousands of stars were put through the same sexual abuse from these psychotic Jewish scum....I have not looked deeply into everything that this Harvey Weinstein character has done, especially with his long list of victims that he has sexually abused, but the facts are that he shows all the signs of the mental disorders that most of the "tribe" does suffer from.... Lets face the facts here, for the "tribe" is filled with sexual deviants, suffering from severe mental disorders.... And their entire fraudulent "religion" of Judaism is filled with filth and sexual perversion as well... I only need to state where some of the passages in their "Talmud" talks openly about "having sex with a child is nothing" to show this case in point..... I therefore look at this Harvey Weinstein as just a symptom of the sickness of the entire tribe......And now that Harvey Weinstein has been exposed for the mentally unbalanced sexual deviant that he has been for years, the floodgates are now open in Hollywood, as so many present and former 'stars' are now coming out of the woodwork to expose how truly disgusting "Jew-lywood" really is..... We only need to now look at one other sick perverted Jew, Ben Affleck, as an example of how wide spread the sickness is, and it will only get worse...So what should happen now?  First thing is the US government and the police should make sure that this Harvey Weinstein does not attempt to flee the country... For if he does, he will most probably go to that sickness on the Mediterranean Sea called Israel where there are no "extradition" laws for the criminal Jews..... We have seen so many times before where these monsters have done their dirty work, been outed, and then have flown directly to Israel where they cannot be touched for their crimes against humanity.... The second thing that must happen is that everyone should immediately be boycotting anything that comes out of "Jew-lywood"... Do NOT go and see their "movies" and let the entire criminal apparatus there die.....  The message must be crystal clear that no one should put up with this sexual deviancy in that cesspool any more..... The sooner it is destroyed, the better...Well, there you have it... People have wanted my take on this "Harvey Weinstein" and his sickness, and there it is... You may not agree with everything that I am saying, and you have that right....  I have known about the sickness of "Jew-lywood" for years and have already posted some articles at this blog in the past to show what a sewer it truly is... And now that this Weinstein clown has been exposed, the entire apparatus should be brought down...More to comeNTS