The LA swamp known as Hollywood is being drained (Video)

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Article first appeared on RPT.

RT’s Peter Lavelle, CrossTalking with guests Rob Taub, Lionel, and Gina Loudon, dedicated an entire show to the Weinstein scandal that is now draining the LA swamp.
As The Duran noted, Harvey’s decades long sexual crimes, and the vast cover up of those crimes, are now upending the entire town with Matt Damon, Russel Crowe, Ben Affleck, and Meryl Streep all caught up in the Harvey crossfire.

Hollywood elites present themselves to be the champions of virtue and liberal values. The same elites have also found common cause with the left part of the political spectrum. The Harvey Weinstein scandal presents a very different picture – a truly ugly picture. Will Hollywood now face up to its hypocrisy?

As one YouTube comment noted…

“That explains why Hollywood gave a Grammy award to the White Helmets, the Humanitarian front of Al Nusra which is Al Qaeda in Syria.”

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Media analyst Mark Dice also weighed in on the LA swamp, known around the world as hollywood, with two back-to-back videos dissecting the “satanic cesspool” and “crumbling” industry.

The city of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is a Satanic cesspool. Here’s a look at what goes on behind the scenes.

Americans are seeing behind the scenes of the entertainment industry and the truth is coming out.

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The post The LA swamp known as Hollywood is being drained (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
