AUDIO TRIBUTE: Remembering Syrian Victims of U.S. Coalition Massacre at Deir Ezzor

On September 17, 2016, the US-led Coalition launched a brutal sneak attack which slaughtered some 80 plus Syrian soldiers on the ground who were fighting ISIS near the city of Deir Ezzor.
In one of the biggest diplomatic failures of all-time, a cowardly US US Secretary of State John Kerry rendered no explanation as to the sustained attack by US and Australian aircraft. However, the motive was clear: as it turns out, the US strike helped ISIS advance against the Syrian Army and hold territory for the next 12 months, until the terrorist cohort was finally dislodged by Syria and Russia last week. According Syrian and Russian officials reporting at the time, “Straight after the coalition’s strikes, IS militants launched an offensive,” adding that “fierce fighting against the terrorists” ensued nearby.
“If these strikes were due to an error in the target coordinates, that would be a direct consequence of the US refusal to coordinate with Russia its fight against the terrorist groups in Syria,” said the Russian military at the time.
Listen to this moving audio tribute which was broadcast LIVE during Episode #202 of the SUNDAY WIRE radio show. This memorable clip includes testimonials from Syrians as well supporters of note from Lebanon, Europe and Australia:


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