Special counsel Mueller working with NY Attorney General connected to George and Alex Soros

Special counsel Robert Mueller is bringing onboard New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, who is connected with the Soros family.
Connections to anything Soros raises huge red flags, given George Soros’ funding of various groups specifically charged with inciting revolution against the Trump administration, but Schneiderman’s beef with Trump goes much deeper, as he has sued Donald Trump and his son.
George Soros’ son Alex Soros met Eric Schneiderman in August 2016 before the national election.
The younger Soros posted a photo of the two on Instagram, where he called Donald Trump a fraud and congratulated Schneiderman for taking him on.

Great to meet with #newyork attorney general @ericschneiderman who recognized that @realdonaldtrump was a fraud way before many and has courageously taken him on!
A post shared by Alexander Soros (@alexsoros) on Aug 27, 2016 at 12:23pm PDT

The Gateway Pundit reports

Schneiderman led a lawsuit against Donald Trump that was filed after Trump announced his run for president. Schneiderman alleges Donald Trump scammed Trump University participants out of tens of thousands of dollars.
In June of this year New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman launched an investigation of the Eric Trump Foundation over allegations the organization funneled money through charity golf outings which raised millions for St. Jude’s Children Hospital.
Robert Mueller has hired a stable of liberal attorneys and former Obama officials to investigation Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia.
Now Mueller is working with the anti-Trump New York Attorney General to take down the president.

Joel Pollak at Breitbart.com reported…

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reported to be working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on his inquiry into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.
If the report, first published in Politico, is true, it would be the latest fact undermining the integrity and impartiality of Mueller’s inquiry, which Democrats hope will result in the president being impeached and the results of the 2016 election forever called into question.
Mueller has already hired Democrat donors and an attorney who worked for the Clinton Foundation. Schneiderman is one of the most partisan state attorneys general, and has been one of President Trump’s most vociferous public opponents. He helped lead the fight against Trump’s executive order suspending travel from terror-prone countries, calling it “just a Muslim ban by another name.” He also sued Trump for fraud in the Trump University case, and announced in 2016 — during the height of the presidential campaign — that he was investigating Trump’s charities.
USA Today noted at the time that Schneiderman and Trump “have been involved in a years-long public feud.” In April, Schneiderman reportedly hired a liberal, Bernie Sanders-linked consulting group to help generate lawsuits against the Trump administration. Schneiderman also has a history of politically-charged litigation, including an effort to cover up emails that former Attorney General Eliot Spitzer sent from a private account while in office.

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