Syria calls on UN force US to stop committing war crimes

Syria has called on the UN for force the United States and its allies to cease the bombing of civilians, civil infrastructure and cease using the deadly chemical weapon white phosphorus in the country.

Yesterday, Syria accused the US and UK of providing chemical weapons materials to terrorists in the country, a move Syria also seeks to have condemned by the UN.
In a statement presented to the UN, the Syrian government has said,

“Syria calls again on the UN Security Council to fulfull its obligations for the sake of peace and security, and to stop the crimes of the US-led coalition against Syrian citizens”,

The statement continued,

“( The actions of the US and its allies) have become systematic. The coalition neglects the basics of international law, international humanitarian law and human rights”.

On Wednesday of this week alone, US airstrikes killed 19 Syrian civilians, something the government finds totally unacceptable, especially as all US actions in the country are illegal according to international law.
The post Syria calls on UN force US to stop committing war crimes appeared first on The Duran.

