EXPLOSIVE: Sean Hannity once again hints at Seth Rich murder connected to Wikileaks DNC leak (Video)

A day after Hannity told his viewers that he would be backing off the Seth Rich murder case after speaking with Rich’s family, Hannity hinted at a Set Rich – Wikileaks connection during his opening monologue last night.
Though Hannity did not specifically name Rich as the source of the DNC leaks, this is the statement that Hannity made during a monologue which focused on debunking the Russiagate fake news story concocted by Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and Robby Mook…

“And finally tonight, let me say this. If it turns out that someone from inside the DNC, for example, somebody that supported Bernie Sanders, or was frustrated that there was collusion and corruption, and a denial of a free and open election process as it relates to the primary with Hillary Clinton. ”
If something like that happened wouldn’t that blow the entire Russia collusion theory out the window. And isn’t that something they [liberal left mainstream media] may be afraid of?”

Hannity’s Seth Rich reference begins at 7:50 minute mark, though we recommend listening to Hannity’s monologue in its entirety for full context of what Sean Hannity calls “the biggest media scandal in the history of our republic.”

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