FEMEN disrupts Le Pen, removed from stage before she can remove her top (Video)

National Front leader, and French presidential hopeful, Marine Le Pen was interrupted on stage by a FEMEN protester.
The video below shows a young female protester running towards Le Pen with a bunch of flowers held above her head. The FEMEN protestor is about to remove her top before she is rushed away from the stage by Le Pen’s security detail.
For her part, Le Pen kept her composure amidst the interruption.

MEETING / LE PEN : Incident au Zénith, une Femen est montée sur scène et a fait irruption devant Marine Le Pen. #MarineAParis (LCI) pic.twitter.com/YpdTxtophH
— Infos Françaises (@InfosFrancaises) April 17, 2017

Le Pen described the protest by “left-wing extremists” as a “total reversal” of their values to “disrupt a meeting of the only woman who defends women.”
FEMEN is a Ukrainian radical feminist group that runs around naked, screaming obscenities, in order to protect women’s rights.
Some leaders get startled by FEMEN’s topless shenanigans, while other leaders are pure red pill…

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