MSNBC decides to support ISIS. Interviews 4 warmongers pushing for Trump to attack Syria (Video)

MSNBC went all in, supporting the “Assad chemical weapons” fake news story neatly packaged by the “moderate rebels” (aka Al Qaeda), the White Helmets (aka ISIS), and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (a one man operation not even based in Syria, but the UK).
The Duran has already thoroughly debunked the entire Idlib chemical weapons story:

MSNBC has decided to forgo journalism by investigating the alleged sarin attack, opting to trust the word of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, trotting out a barrage of interviews with warmongers, aimed at pushing the Trump administration into acting out against Syria, and forcing Trump to square off against Putin and Russia.
It is MSNBC’s deep state strategy of killing two birds with one stone…keep destroying Syria in service to their Saudi masters, while sabotaging any chance of a US-Russia détente.
Watch at your own risk…the videos below may make you vomit in disgust, or shame…

1. Ben Cardin: Donald Trump Admin Shouldn’t Legitimize Bashar Al Assad.

2. Patrick Leahy: ‘We Should Go After…War Criminal’ Bashar al-Assad.

3. Senator Tim Kaine: Prosecute Bashar al-Assad For War Crimes.

4. Fmr. U.S. Ambassador On Syria: Donald Trump’s Response Is ‘Hard To Take’.

The Duran readers: Which video disgusts you the most?

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