Hungarian spokesman rips Soros ‘left wing liberals’ for flooding Europe with illegals

The government of Hungary is virtually in open war with one of its most detested sons: billionaire color revolution engineer George Soros and his political allies in the European Union.
Zoltan Kovacs, the spokesman for the office of Hungarian PM Viktor Orban, gave a defense of Hungary’s tough migrant policy before the EU parliament. Kovacs slammed “left-wing and liberal politicians who call themselves progressive” for promoting mass migration while criticizing Hungary’s attempt to defend its borders.
George Soros is a major financial backer of increased movement of refugees into Europe and has also come under fire from Hungary.
In his own article describing his speech to the Eurocrats in Strasbourg, Kovacs denounced the fact that “liberal, European politicians and international organizations, who push an agenda supporting illegal immigration, join forces to criticize the Hungarian government for its pro-security response to migration.
With radical Islamic terror attacks becoming the new normal in France and Germany, the Hungarians are calling the EU’s current refugee policy “insane”:

Europe’s proposed solution? “Instead of forcing the Greeks and Italians to protect their own borders and appreciate our work that we do,” Prime Minister Orbán said in an interview last Friday, “they continuously let illegal migrants into the EU [and] they demand complete check of passport-holding, law-abiding citizens.”
“That’s insane,” said the prime minister. And this is exactly what we saw at yesterday’s hearing.

Putting rights of illegals before the rights of EU citizens is “insane” Latest on the blog @abouthungary @EP_Justice
— Zoltan Kovacs (@zoltanspox) February 28, 2017

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his ruling party Fidesz have staunchly resisted the open borders policy of the European Union, embraced chiefly by Germany under Angela Merkel, which has flooded Europe with millions of Muslim men of military age.
Outrages such as the mass rape of German women by thousands of migrant men in Cologne before New Year 2016 and the terror attack in Nice that killed 80 last July, have shocked the continent.
Hungary belongs to a group of central European states called the Visegrad Group which includes Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, and who are all actively opposed to the EU’s refugee policy.
The post Hungarian spokesman rips Soros ‘left wing liberals’ for flooding Europe with illegals appeared first on The Duran.
