EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Bernie Delegate Reveals Why He Fled Democratic Party for the Greens

Roving political analyst Stuart J Hooper drops in the see what was happening as Bernie Sanders hit the western college campuses on to campaign for Hillary Clinton.
The following is an interview with an ex-Bernie delegate who, following the DNC collusion with the Clinton camp to kill the Sanders campaign, has since left the Democratic Party to support Dr Jill Stein and the Green Party. He explains how Sanders was coerced into backing the corrupt Clinton campaign.
Listen to his emotional statement here:

Here is some of the raw footage from Sanders speech, including intermittent booing from students who appear betrayed by Sanders – who capitulated to the Clinton political machine despite evidence in the DC Leaks and Wikileaks which proved how his own party sabotaged Sanders’ presidential run – effectively throwing his millions of grassroots supporters under the party bus. Watch:

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