Syrian President Bashar al Assad Looks Positively on Russian/Turkish Rapprochement

Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad said Syria looks positively at the improvement of relations between Moscow and Ankara recently.His remarks came in an interview with the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that is due to be published at 1 am (Damascus time).

Answering a question on whether he thinks the Russians are making a mistake by trusting Recep Tayyip Erdogan after his forces’ shooting down of the Russian warplane, President al-Assad said “In fact, I positively view this relationship.”“We in Syria only wish that, out of this rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, Russia will be able to make changes in the Turkish policy,” the President added.Asked about Israel’s role in the war and the fact that ISIS terrorist organization and Israel have never exchanged threats, President al-Assad said there is no contradiction between Israel and any organization like Jabhat al-Nusra, ISIS or any other al-Qaeda-linked organization.

Just want to the readers here to understand: Four of my "oh no it's a limited hangout/gate keeper" red flags when it comes to Turkey/Syria and the wider region as follows: 1. -When msm and lame alt media continue to heap endless scorn on Turkey regarding Syria and the region without mentioning the huge roll Israel has played and continues to play  2. - While not mentioning the changes have occurred  in both rhetoric and actions in the Syrian/ Turkey dynamic3. - Another red flag, which has to be intentional, is the ignoring of all the discord between the US and Turkey and there has been discord aplenty.I had another thought too but it slipped my mind. As soon as it slips back in I'll include it! It's back!!4.- Promoting 'cult of personality' memes- 'cult of personality' can be used positively or negatively- But over all I find it a very distracting, manipulative practice. Either way it's used-  So Erdogan this and Erdogan that, like Putin this and Putin that, are red flags for me.  Here in Canada the cult of personality built around Trudeau is pure distraction from his nation destroying policiesI had written nearly two years ago that the destabilization of Turkey was beginning.

And, that Turkish leadership had to be aware. This betrayal surely played a role in the warming relations between Turkey and Russia, until the jet shootdown. That cooled the buddy bonding, only temporarily. Once Davutoglu left, the man who quickly and rather bizarrely took responsibility for the shootdown of the Russia jet, the situation changed. Perhaps ruining the Russian/Turkish relationship was the reason Davutoglu immediately claimed ownership.Now here we have Bashar al Assad, in his own words saying he views the Turkish/Russian warm up positively.

President al-Assad said “In fact, I positively view this relationship.”“We in Syria only wish that, out of this rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, Russia will be able to make changes in the Turkish policy,” the President added.

From yesterday:
