Andrew Marvell: War all this doth overgrow

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
British writers on peace and war
Andrew Marvell: When roses only arms might bear
Andrew Marvell
From Upon Appleton House, to my Lord Fairfax
Unhappy! shall we never more
That sweet Militia restore,
When Gardens only had their Towrs,
And all the Garrisons were Flowrs,
When Roses only Arms might bear,
And Men did rosie Garlands wear?
Tulips, in several Colours barr’d,
Were then the Switzers of our Guard.
The Gardiner had the Souldiers place,
And his more gentle Forts did trace.
The Nursery of all things green
Was then the only Magazeen.
The Winter Quarters were the Stoves,
Where he the tender Plants removes.
But War all this doth overgrow:
We Ord’nance Plant and Powder sow.
