US Commander Campbell: The man behind the failed coup in Turkey- Named ahead of fire

The plot thickens... Fire breaks out near NATO/American base in Turkeyhattip ally:Fire breaks out near NATO base in Turkeythanks!MMMJuly 25, 2016 at 5:39 AM

US Airbase in Turkey engulfed in Fire after Media IDs US General as Coup Leader

"Update: The Fire was started just two hours after Turkish paper Yeni Safak identified US Army General and NATO International Security Assistance Force Commander John F. Campbell as the leader of the coup!"…

 LinkI wouldn't think Turkey would make this type of accusation, unless they had substantial information. Would you?

 A former U.S. commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan, was the organizer of the July 15 military coup attempt in Turkey, sources said.

The US and NATO are hand in glove.

General John F. Campbell was one of the top figures who organized and managed the soldiers behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey, sources close to ongoing legal process of pro-coup detainees said.Campbell also managed more than $2 billion money transactions via UBA Bank in Nigeria by using CIA links to distribute among the pro-coup military personnel in Turkey. The ongoing investigation unveiled that Campbell had paid at least two secret visits to Turkey since May, until the day of the coup attempt.The coup plot that was foiled by the comprehensive effort of Turkish Nation, including its citizens, politicians, media and police forces, was organized by the Fethullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) led-by so-called cleric Fethullah Gülen who has been living in self-exile in America for several years. American Intelligence, Military and other institutions are accused of supporting the FETO leader Gülen and his gangs for the military coup.

Sputnik- while engaging in shoot the messenger and a bit of sensationalism regarding American nukes stored in Turkey

  Hours after the publication of the article, the NATO military base in Izmir became victim of a mass fire that continues to rage on.

 NATO International Security Assistance Force Commander Army General John F. Campbell accusing the US military official

Link- (tied to Egypt)Engaging in some obfuscation

 Turkish political analyst Ilhan Tanir tweeted an image of the front page of pro-AKP newspaper Yeni Safak on Sunday, which names retired US General John F. Campbell as one of the leaders of Turkey’s failed coup. Gen. Campbell does not appear to have served for any period of time at the US’ only military base in Turkey, Incirlik Air Base.


 The Turkish daily reported that Campbell had top secret meetings at the Erzurum military base and Incirlik air base in Turkey, adding that the US general "directed the process of trending / blacklisting the military officers in the base."

   The US's ONLY Military base in Turkey-LOL- from an Egyptian publication.What's with the lying? What's with the attempts to mislead? Couldn't General Campbell have served at any of the NATO bases? Of course he could have. How about at Izmir? The place with the fire!

Izmir Air Station is a United States Air Force facility in Izmir, Turkey. It is located 320 km (200 mi) SSW of Istanbul, on the western coast of Turkey.

This base sounds so familiar to me- As if there is another post here that has something to do with that baseAha!!!! Janes- US arms shipment to Syrian rebels detailed: Infantry Weapons

 The solicitation was subsequently updated with a detailed packing list that showed the cargo had a total weight of 994 tonnes, a little under half of which was to be unloaded at Agalar, a military pier near the Turkish town of Tasucu,

From Sputnik: The fire threatens US munitions stockpiles at the base which could result in a severe exacerbation of the fire, loss of expensive weaponry, and safety dangers.

It would seem some, many, or all of the weapons the US brought in at the pier would have made their way to Izmir?  UPDATE: Geraldo Rivera Vouches for General John F. Campbell's Whereabouts the Day of the Coup- They were having a beer. Together.Seriously- You just can't make this stuff up! I laughed at an absurdity that is passed off as  credible.

"In fact, on the day of the coup I think I was in New York City  with Geraldo having a beer," he added. The newsman corroborated the general's claim.

Or so Fox News Claims? Because they offer up no quoted verification from Geraldo Rivera. No bar. No time. Nothing-  Only hearsay from Fox News. "The newsman corroborated the general's claim." Fox News says but Geraldo Rivera didn't! Don't Miss:

Canadian/Gulen Connection To Turkey's Coup & Turkey releases 1200 

Yup, Turkey has released 1200 grunts and you can bet you will read that nowhere else. As for the Canadian man arrested- There are images of him with Gulen.
