Syrian Army Advance in Northern Latakia, Pushing Out Al Nusra

21st Century Wire says…
Following a recent breakthrough in bilateral discussions between Russia and the US over how to engage the long-running conflict in Syria, the US and Russia appear to have agreed on terms of cooperation in taking on the Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria).
This new cooperation is already paying dividends for Damascus as Syrian government forces have made significant advances in northern Latakia in the last 48 hours, cutting through an Al Nusra stronghold in northwestern Syria.
Watch the following footage supplied by Ruptly News Agency:

The Daily Star/AP
BEIRUT: Syrian activists say government forces have regained control of a major town in the coastal province of Latakia two weeks after losing it to insurgents.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said troops regained control of Kinsabba on Saturday after an offensive under the cover of Russian airstrikes.
Syrian journalist Eyad al-Hosain, who is embedded with the troops, said government forces now control of Kinsabba and its hills. He wrote on his Facebook page that the battle lasted 12 hours.
Syrian government forces first captured Kinsabba in February after it was held by rebels for weeks.
Insurgents, including members of al-Qaida’s branch in Syria, regained control of the town in July 1…
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