Nice, France, Bastille Day Truck Attack: Ban Trucks Say Truck Grabbers!!

Any truck grabbers out there making absurd demands to grab the trucks?- Cause here we have the truck as a dangerous weapon! No different then any day on the highways and byways. That said, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to point out the absurdity of the gun grabbers!A bit of a chronology:Last week: July 8th to be exact:

French President Francois Hollande has said Russia should not be considered a threat but rather a partner."NATO has no role at all to be saying what Europe's relations with Russia should be,” Hollande said on July 8 as he arrived for an alliance summit in Warsaw. “For France, Russia is not an adversary, not a threat."

Shaming Hollande over his costly coiffeur:

French President Francois Hollande’s hairdresser is paid a gross salary by the state of 9,895 euros, or $10,958, a month. Just a third less than Hollande’s own salary.......

 Cue the Nice attack:  nice attack? (job well done?)1-Attacker identified: With government issued identification, not by dna

NICE, France (AP) — Police: ID found with Nice truck attacker is of French petty criminal, 31, of Tunisian descent; no DNA confirmation

2- Buildings Across the Globe Illuminate in Solidarity With France- making this a global ritual of mourning3-France stunned after truck attacker kills 84 on Bastille Day in NiceCreating the back story

Investigators search local apartment after man believed to be 31-year-old French Tunisian turns celebration into carnage

 The armed man, believed to be a 31-year-old French Tunisian who lived locally, zigzagged the vehicle at high speeds for more than a mile along a beachfront esplanade, instantly turning a festival atmosphere of fireworks and families into carnage. Police shot him dead inside the truck’s cabin. The French president, François Hollande, extended a nine-month state of emergency for another three months, declared three days of national mourning starting on Saturday and then flew to the scene of the outrage.

WSJ " He had said earlier that he would end the months-long state of emergency on July 26"

Well didn't that terror attack just happen in the nick of time!? Wanna bet another terror attack will take place in just under three months time so the state of emergency can be extended, yet again?? Late October? Early to mid November? Bataclan (November 13) anniversary?4- WSJ continues:  Headline  Kerry Says Nice Attack Underscores Need for End to Syria Crisis4 a-UPDATE:Pressure tactics to create a sense of urgency (this is a familiar tactic)

 At the start of a second day of discussions on a U.S. proposal for closer military cooperation with Russia in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry invoked the attack in Nice to emphasize the urgency of bringing about an end to the crisis in Syria.“Nowhere is there a greater hotbed or incubator for these terrorists than in Syria,” Mr. Kerry said Friday, at the top of a meeting with his Russian counterpart Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “People all over the world are looking to us and waiting for us to find a faster and more tangible way of them feeling that everything that is possible is being done to end this terrorist scourge.”

 Are people the world over waiting for the US to find a faster and more tangible way of ending this terrorist scourge- by bombing nations to bits. Really?5-France to Escalate Strikes in Syria and Iraq After Nice Attack

"We will strengthen our actions in Syria and Iraq, we will continue to strike those that attack us from their cells," said Hollande in a national address. He said he will present the plan to extend the state of emergency to parliament next week. He had said earlier that he would end the months-long state of emergency on July 26.

So Hollande said Russia's not so much of a problem- He's then shamed in the media. Nice,France has a 'terror attack'. So called. As they identify the perp from government issued identification (which government issued the ID, I have no idea) No DNA. Then search the alleged perps apartment, undoubtedly for weapons (that he didn't use for the attack, no matter, be afraid of guns) probably a manifesto- a variety of passports- the usual stuff. The response to the so called terror attack is to increase attacks on Syria and Iraq- Exactly as was done after Bataclan, November 2015.Such a familiar pattern