Are all phony-baloney "pro-lifers" as deranged and violently women-hating as Erick Erickson? (At a guess, quite possibly)

by KenDaily Kos's Weatherdude passed the above tweet along with this note:

I know one-sentence diaries with a screenshot of a Tweet are frowned upon around here, but how could one possibly expand on the absolute class that is Erick Erickson? This man is walking proof that "pro-life" is a lie.

Fortunately we have no compunctions about one-sentence posts with screen shots of tweets; we just usually have trouble stopping talking after one sentence.I know somebody somewhere will say, "Jeez, dude, catcha take a joke?" But of course to anyone with a working brain, the notion of this abomination as a joke is even more, well, abominable. Man oh man, talk about high-larious, what could be gut-bustinger than the image of sticking a coat hanger into the lady parts of a pregnant woman and with any luck killing the effing bitch along with her fetus? I could just laugh, and laugh, and then laugh some more. Whee!I guess Erickson might say that this doesn't show a deep loathing for and wish for gruesome violence against women -- just the baby-killing ones. But in the absolute kindliest interpretation, this still tells us way more than the vile dirtbag seems can possibly have realized, unless he really is a moron as well as a sociopath. Because he has acknowledged what self-righteous fake-pro-lifers never do: that abortions will continue regardless of the legal status. True, access will be much more limited to those who can't afford quality care, which will include all the well-off right-wingers who preach that abortion is murder but always manage to get their knocked up wimmins taken care of quietly and safely.And "safely" is the real point. Erickson makes clear his total awareness that women who can't afford safe abortions will be subjected to butchery. And that, he apparently thinks, is a real hoot.It's a constant nuisance for brain-blockaded abortion foes, this constantly having to disown characters among their number who do the kinds of things that respectable people really can't allow themselves to be tied to, like the "pro-lifers" who murder doctors. They're always so quick to deny indignantly that they have any connection to such fanatics. Well, you have to hope for their sake that they're just as quick to disown a pile of garbage like Erick Erickson. Because otherwise they're telling us that they have no problem with desperate women being butchered.(P.S.: It's just my opinion, of course, but I really don't think they do have a problem with women being butchered. Because they're not, after all, "our kind" of women, which is to say not the kind of women whose "pro-life" loved ones can afford to have their pregnancies terminated safely.)#For a "Sunday Classics" fix anytime, visit the stand-alone "Sunday Classics with Ken."