Republicans Sneaking Their Misogynist Ideology Into Appropriations Bills-- The War On Women Continues

The Trump-supporting clown who replaced Boehner as Speaker of the House was, as we all know, dedicated ideologue Paul Ryan. A bigger joke, Warren Davidson, replace Boehner as the Representative from Ohio's 8th congressional district. He introduced his first amendment to a bill-- an appropriations bill as it turns out-- Wednesday. And, as pig-headed and stupid as anyone would have expected from Davidson, it passed, 217 to 203, although with virtually every Democrat and two dozen Republicans voting against it.Davidson's amendment, part of the Republican Party War On Women, seeks to bar women from being required to register for a military draft. Extremists on the far right fringes, like Davidson, fear women signing up for the draft in a plot by... someone, liberals presumably, to blur gender lines-- like allowing transgender people to use public restrooms.Davidson wants to block the Selective Service System from using any money to alter draft registration requirements that currently apply only to men. Even though there is no draft-- and no plans for a draft-- right-wing loons like Davidson want to have a study because registration requirements are in place for men, and many normal lawmakers believe women should be included. The only Democrats who went along with Davidson's amendment were two right-wingers who regularly skip merrily across the aisle to vote with the Republicans, sleazy Blue Dogs Dan Lipinski (IL) and Henry Cuellar (TX).Republicans who bailed from the GOP War on Women Wednesday included several who are retiring-- Dan Benishek (MI), Ander Crenshaw (FL), Richard Hanna (NY), Reid Ribble (WI), Scott Rigell (VA), and Cynthia Lummis (WY). Lummus is also a woman and she joined 4 other Republican women-- Martha McSally (AZ), Kristin Noem (SD), Martha Roby (AL) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL). It's never easy to assign motivation but of the other 14 Republicans voting against Davidson's sexist bill, half-- Mark Amodei (NV), Carlos Curbelo (FL), Jeff Denham (CA), David Jolly (FL), John Katko (NY), Pat Meehan (PA) and Bruce Poliquin (ME)-- are in life-or-death struggles for reelection. The other 7 are Lou Barletta (PA), Chris Collins (NY), the first Republican House member to endorse Trumpy the Clown, Charlie Dent (PA), Adam Kinzinger (IL), Tom Reed (NY), Mark Sanford (SC), who has enough problems with women without stirring up another hornets nest, and religious crackpot John Shimkus (IL).The Republicans used the same appropriations bill to launch another front in their War Against Women, pushing an amendment by Alabama sociopath Gary Palmer, that prohibits money from being used to implement a DC law intended to prevent employers from discriminating against employees over their reproductive health choices. This one passed 223-192, with two anti-Choice Democrats, Blue Dog extremists Dan Lipinski (IL) and Collin Peterson (MN), who are each always happy to join the Republicans for some anti-women legislation, though Pelosi never mentions either when she creeps up to the microphones to shriek about the Republican War on Women, part of the reason no one takes her seriously any longer.Palmer claims his amendment protects "religious liberty," the latest GOP excuse for condoning and even encouraging bigotry. Nita Lowey, D-NY called Palmer out as the fool he is and said his amendment is nothing short of "spiteful and destructive... an unprecedented intrusion into D.C. residents' personal health choices."Rep. Dan Lipinski hates women. I'll guess they've never been fans of his either