Micah X = Malcom X: Parallels being created- Archetypes exploited

 This is really one big perception managing psychological operation to promote a divide to conquer:Yup Micah X Johnson..   Micah Xavier Johnson or Micah X-Allegedly, all about black power. Allegedly, willing to use violence against whites.Black Power SaluteMalcom X-  Associated with the early days of  the black power movement- Promoted the use of violence.Micah X  attended a Malcom X film festival

 Or his attendance at a film festival focused on Malcolm X, the charismatic black leader assassinated in 1965.

 Mi/Cah   to  Mal/Com- Two syllables- m starting the first- c starting the secondShould we expect Micah X posters to appear at the next black lives matter protest or rally?Turn him into a martyr perhaps?  That would be super inflammatory, so it seems quite likely. I'll be watching.Unbeknownst to me the Superbowl show was just another mass dose of perception managing identity politics: Black Power and Rainbow (LGBT)Beyonce and co being militant- complete with black power salute


One description of the Super Bowl event I keep seeing is  “unapologetically black”. This alludes to the dancers in Black Panther berets performing black power salutes, arranging themselves into the letter “X” for Malcolm X

Then the LGBT identity politic card also got it's play

 Beyoncé’s performance was not the only political statement of the night, with Coldplay’s set featuring a marriage-equality inspired rainbow wave of placards held up across the stadium, which spelled out: “Believe In Love”.

What to make then of the Black Lives Matter hijacking of the Pride parade in TO?As my hubby and I say, "It's perception management, always" Going to hattip Jay Dyer @ Jay's Analysis  for bringing the Super Bowl's  super psyop show to my attention. The superbowl (stuporbowl)  would be ideal for a meme implanting show!! Below is Jay's initial audio analysis- he has since updated, but, I haven't read his latest piece- yet.  All posts related to Dallas: