Christians Complain As Kurds Seize Land : Occuring in Iraq and Syria

The Kurd land seizure of Christian lands.. So reminiscent of their besties in IsraelAnd this is not taking place in territory governed solely by the KRGI’ve covered the Kurdish militia/elites theft/coveting of Christian land, historically and recently. In Iraq and Syria. Some Flashbacks and additional news before the main news item!Kurdish militias are not my idea of heroic fighters- They equal the Contras

Another news item:Tensions soar between Syrian Kurds and Christians

The Christian neighbourhood of al-Wusta in Qamishli was the scene of clashes between Kurds and Christian militias on Monday night, with security sources in the town telling Middle East Eye that at least one Kurdish civilian and one Christian militiaman were reportedly killed. Five other people were also injured after the Kurds tried to break up a newly established Christian checkpoint, the sources added. 

 Christians in Iraqi Kurdistan complain about land seizureAs amply demonstrated Christian land seizure by Kurdish militias is not limited to Iraq. And NATO is perfectly OK with this going on because it is the agenda- ISIS shock troops- Kurdish clean up crews....

- Christian citizens in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq issued complaints in court June 15 that Kurdish residents are attacking and seizing their villages in the provinces of Dahuk and Erbil-the KRG had prohibited residents from eight Christian villages in the Nahla area in Dahuk province from accessing the KRG's headquarters to protest and demand that an end be put to the encroachment upon their land on the part of Kurdish individuals and populations-However, some of them managed to make it to the sit-in location and stage a protest as they held a banner that reflected the deep sorrow plaguing Christians in the region. “Our [Christian] people’s lands are encroached upon across the Kurdistan Region,” the banner read.Kurdish individuals and tribes have been seizing lands and properties belonging to Christians since the 1980s. In 1986, Saddam Hussein's regime demolished these villages, leading to the displacement of the residents. (who would have been Kurds) However, as soon as the military operations of the former regime had finished, the Kurds returned to these villages and many seized Christian territory, taking advantage of the residents' forced absence, as per the testimonies of Christian residents of those villages.

That reads to me as if Saddam stopped the Kurdish land thievery and allowed the Christians to come back to their homes- Once the Iraqi military operation ended the Kurds came back and displaced the Christians- Rah, rah! 

What prompted residents of the villages of the Nahla area to protest is a set of new encroachments made by Kurdish citizens on their land. Earlier this year, several houses were built on these lands in the Nahla area.

Israel 2.0

The director of the Ninevah Studies Center, Michael Benjamin, told Al-Monitor that the KRG is seemingly aware of the problem, as it has put forward several initiatives between 2001 and 2010 to resolve the crisis, “but nothing has changed.”Benjamin is an activist interested in the issues of minorities and indigenous peoples, and he relentlessly examines and follows up on the issue of Christian lands in the Kurdistan Region. Benjamin said the seized Christian lands in the various regions, towns and villages of the provinces of Dahuk and Erbil are estimated to measure “thousands of acres.”Yonadam Kanna, the chairman of the Rafidain Christian parliamentary bloc in the federal parliament, told Al-Monitor, “The seizure of Christian lands is part of the process of demographic change.”He said, “There are more than 60 Christian villages inhabited by non-Christians across the Kurdistan Region, and this is part of the demographic change. We stressed the need to restore those villages and properties, but the KRG measures were not serious, which delayed the issue."

Kurds forcing Christians out is part of the demographic change

In this vein, Benjamin pointed to the role of “partisan and tribal relations,” saying, “The rights of small groups and minorities will be undoubtedly violated as they are the weakest link and lack any strong partisan, political or tribal support.”However, Kanna pointed out that “a Christian delegation recently met with Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani, who asked for details about the issue and promised to restore the Christian lands.”Benjamin said, "The ongoing violation of Chaldeo-Assyrian and Christian property rights for nearly 25 years since the founding of the Kurdistan Region is one of the prime reasons that leads indigenous citizens to feel abused and lose confidence in the government, and this forces them to opt for migration.”

And migration is absolutely the desired outcome

Naqshbandi said that even after the change of regime under the US occupation in April 2003 “only few Christians returned, thus allowing Muslim (Kurdish) families to cultivate and build homes on Christian lands.”He added that Christians returned in the past few years “and reclaimed their villages and houses. But  (Kurdish) Muslims said they would not leave unless they are compensated for their cultivation and development of those lands.”Consequently, after Kurdish citizens clung to the lands they seized, the Ministry of Awqaf was forced to issue a fatwa prohibiting such practices,” Naqshbandi said.However, Mikhail responded to the fatwa by saying, “I do not think that this fatwa has helped or will help Christians restore their lands. There are many complicated issues related to several sides and ministries that date back many years. With all due respect, we believe that the fatwa will not be implemented unless the highest authorities have a real political and legal will to enforce the law, bring about justice and ensure the rights of minorities in the region.”The seizing of territories, especially when accompanied by the tribal force that governs social relations in the Kurdistan Region — particularly in the provinces of Dahuk and Erbil, where the population is known to hold on to tribal traditions — may lead Christians to migrate, as occurred in Baghdad and other provinces in Iraq.

Recall this one?  Kurdistan: Plans for Northern Syria & Jews of Kurdistan want more recognition

 "It was truly so darn good and convenient that  NATO backed ISIS grabbed and occupied all the land that was so conveniently intended to be the newest NATO state - Kurdistan or as I like to call it Israel 2.0Yup, convenient!How is it I was the only one to see that as it unfolded? It really was quite obvious.Thankfully Willyloman-American Everyman caught on, or I would have felt truly alone.So many others, though,.... busy cheering for NATO’s destabilizers - The bestest fighters of them all- Backed by the biggest guns. The poor beleaguered Kurdish militias completely supported by the biggest global terror army: NATO.  Kurds: Annexers of Syrian, Iraqi and soon Turkish territory. While so many died. And so much has been lost. Wasted.   Because the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and expect a different result- No wrongs will be corrected- Just a whole big batch of new wrongs are being created"

Btw: Kurds of "Rojova" declare Qamshilo their new capital

greencrowJuly 5, 2016 at 8:24 AMHi Penny:What do you make of this?

 Officials from the Kurdish-led “Democratic Union Party” (PYD) said to ARA News over the weekend that they are declaring the Syrian city of Qamishli their new capital, despite objections from Syrian government and opposition regarding their federalist endeavors.

  1. PennyJuly 5, 2016 at 9:25 AMDisgusting- but not surprising. Rah, rah for NATO's destabilizers- Israel 2.0 and remaking the ME violently?Right mindless cheerleaders? Oh Look the Kurds have White Toyota Pick Up Trucks- Just like ISIS I've pointed out the Kurdish militia having lots of Toyota pick ups to use, including posting pictures here previously of Kurds and their Toyotas- but my bad for pointing out all that symbiosis between the NATO backed A and B team- Truth can be so inconvenient for so many