John Dryden: In peace the thoughts of war he could remove

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
British writers on peace and war
John Dryden: All your care is to provide the horrid pomp of war
John Dryden and Horace: Happy is he who trumpets summon not to war
John Dryden and Lucretius: Venus and Mars: Lull the world in universal peace
John Dryden
From Absalom and Achitophel (1681)
In Peace the thoughts of War he coud remove
And seem’d as he were onely born for Love.
Well knew the value of a peaceful reign;
And, looking backward with a wise afright,
Saw Seams of wounds, dishonest to the sight:
In contemplation of whose ugly Scars,
They curst the memory of Civil Wars.
Some thought they God’s Anointed meant to slay
By Guns, invented since full many a day…
To ply him with new Plots shall be my care;
Or plunge him deep in some Expensive War;
Which, when his Treasure can no more supply,
He must, with the Remains of Kingship, buy.
