Happy 4th Of July "Independence" Day To My American Readers

Today is indeed "Independence Day" in the United States.. On this day some 240 years ago, the colonials in the original 13 colonies comprising British North America decided that they had had enough of the British crown and illegal taxation and declared themselves as an "independent" nation....Or so it seems, for as I stated in my weekend rant, the United States of America is absolutely NOT free of the British crown and in fact the US Government continues to pay "tribute" to that fraud and phoney monarchy.... I again ask anyone that actually thinks I am kidding to simply Google: "America is still a British colony" and see the facts for themselves.. It is indeed an eye opener...But beyond that, I again look at the United States as still the best hope for the world and I am still hoping that the American republic can rise up against the Jewish criminal banking tyranny that has led that once great nation to ruination... Hopefully the American people can still wake up from their slumber and take these bastards out and restore their republic to a true sense of liberty and freedom...Well, here is to the American "Independence" day and to my friends south of the 49th parallel.... Hopefully you enjoy this day and realize that true freedom is something that is earned and fought for....More to comeNTS