Heterosexual Pride Day “Resentment at it’s Most Childish” ??

The other day GC put up this post : Heterosexual Pride Day - Does Society Need One?

I'm all for a heterosexual day! Parade and all- we can bring our multi generational families- that are biologically ours
July 1, 2016 at 3:25 PM
Dare we? It might be considered "oppressive" by various and sundry newly minted minorities. Perhaps with the transhumanism agenda upon us....some we don't even know about yet.

Greencrow was spot on when she postulated that a Heterosexual Pride day would be presented as oppressive or somehow less worthy? Or “childish” to quote this spin doctor from Irish Times

‘Why do some people feel the need to celebrate being part of an overpowering majority? “

Probably because we heteros don’t feel part of an “overpowering majority” !!  We, in fact, feel like persons derided for simply being who we are! And Donald Clarkes propagandistic yet published article makes my case for me- If heteros were such and overpowering majority could/would he really write such an abusive oped? I think not! Doesn't Donald Clarkes published article in fact tell us all where the power lies?I warn all my readers the article is filled with name calling /ad hominem attacks galore, half truths and strawman, to name a few

“Here is this column’s considered view of anybody who thinks that this week’s Heterosexual Pride Day was worth entertaining. You are a knuckle-dragging halfwit, a passive-aggressive bigot, or both (their being far from mutually exclusive). “

And here we hetero’s are being derided- “ knuckle-dragging halfwit, a passive-aggressive bigot” As already stated- no real overpowering majority is going to be abused in such a manner- This writer makes my point for me- Where is the power in our overpowering majority if this man can write such nastiness about us- and get it published!

“Throughout the day, however, an ambient murmur of aggressive entitlement sounded throughout the digital ether. “Hey, if ‘they’ can have Gay Pride why can’t we have Heterosexual Pride?”

Talk about the pushing of weaponized identity politics- Aggressive entitlement? - Sheesh! Heteros are equally entitled to be proud about who they are.

“Since its inception International Men’s Day has won a degree of tolerance for focusing on worthy subjects such as testicular cancer and the educational underperformance of boys.But we know what it’s really about. It’s not fair that women get a day and we don’t! Why can’t we have a day? International Men’s Day could no more exist independently of International Women’s Day than Lego Batman could exist independently of proper Batman. (Yes, I know. Lego Batman is better than proper Batman, but you get the idea.) The event is a manifestation of petty resentment at its most childish. It’s like baking a second cake for the overindulged brat who resents that today is his sibling’s birthday. “

Oh really?! Is that what it’s really about  Mr PC agenda pusher? - I’m a woman and I think men should have an international day- to recognize there many valued contributions to society- As men. As fathers. And grandfathers. Brothers. Strong physically able workers. Their masculinity has been very beneficial to both women and children. Enabling families to survive, through out all of human history. The family structure has been the back bone of our human survival and our human society- Dad, Mom, Children, Extended families. Working together.

“If you can’t understand the distinction between setting aside time to celebrate an often-oppressed group and establishing a day to applaud the already entitled then you are even less deserving of your status as grand high fathead than seemed possible. What’s wrong with that?”

Apparently the author of this agenda pushing, perception managing, piece of nonsense doesn’t understand the distinction as he heaps piles of disdain on persons, who it is very clear, are not the “powerful majority” he claims! Even going so far as saying heteros are less deserving of their alleged status, with more name calling thrown in, then the ones he claims are  powerless? Doesn’t the very fact that this man, Donald Clarke, writes such an insulting, attacking and vicious article hating on heteros & men tell us all who it is ok to hate on? Bash? Deride? Belittle? Name Call? His abuse certainly doesn’t speak of a powerful majority. It speaks of the powerless being further subordinated to a state of greater disenfranchisement.The Elites have named their enemy. It is the heterosexual couple who dare have their own children.