Who Bombed Ataturk Airport In Istanbul, Turkey? No Claim to Fame Yet!

But the official, state sanctioned, narrative is starting to spill through- And Willy Loman, my friend, you and I were right on the  money!Who is claiming ISIS was the perpetrator, without  evidence and no claims to fame to the attack? ISIS hasn’t claimed ownership. Instead we get the CIA head and his lackey in Turkey- Yildrim telling us who done the deed. Link - Dexter Filkins

So, here we are, more than twenty-four hours after three suicide bombers killed at least forty-one people at Ataturk International Airport and no one has stepped forward—neither ISIS nor anyone else. Why not?Shortly after the attack, Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that ISIS was the main suspect. But he didn’t offer any evidence to buttress his claim, and he hasn’t said anything since. John Brennan, the head of the C.I.A., told Yahoo News that he thought that ISIS was probably the culprit—but, like Yildirim, he showed us no proof.So who did it? It’s not inconceivable that the attack was carried out by someone other than ISIS—namely, the Kurdish Workers Party, or P.K.K.

That’s my pick for perp- PKK, TAK. YPG- Any alphabet named Kurdish militia affiliated with NATO and there are plenty of them to choose from- Though I’ve already suggested TAK (no difference from PKK) But they outright said they were going to make Turkey unsafe for tourists. And the US didn’t say a word about their threat!- Sort of like when Israel commits atrocities and the silence is deafening.Travellers flee Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport after early Wednesday’s suicide-bomb attack.Sooo.... let’s talk about blamin’ and framin’ Turkey. Oh wait, I’ve talked about that before?Yes, Willy Loman, It’s about Blamin’ & Framin’ Turkey & Saudi ArabiaHere’s the New Yorker to give us the official narrative- The blame Turkey narrative I’ve mentioned on so many occasions- The one that could be seen coming from miles away.One of the New Yorker's other 'fave' writers also wrote a piece framing Turkey and Saudi Arabia last year I wrote about it here: Sy Hersh: "Who Controls the Past Controls the Future......

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth: All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory"

Back to the New Yorker's latest

If the facts ultimately show that ISIS indeed carried out the Istanbul attacks—and if the group maintains its silence—it will also illuminate the deeply complex relationship between ISIS and Turkey that has evolved over the past five years.

"ISIS owes its existence in part to the Turkish government".- NOT TRUE

ISIS was born in Iraq

"Turkey became the main conduit for the tens of thousands of foreigners who flocked to Syria"- Correct-  And who was at the border waving them through? The CIA of course. NATO special forces. Israelis. And others who used the border of a NATO nation as if it was their own. Because ISIS is a NATO supported shock troop- With the US as it's master.

Erdoğan, once a friend of the Assad regime, made the decision that his old friend needed to go, and he was willing to do almost anything to see that happen.- BULLOCKS!!

  "At the same time, ISIS militants were able to set up networks inside Turkey itself" At any one of the NATO bases that occupy Turkish territory- I've written about this

If your interested in the official narrative being spoon fed to you- feel free to read the nonsense at the New Yorker! If you wish to accept the lie be my guest!

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth: All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory"

It truly look as if I called this one correctly long, long ago- Turkey has been targeted for destabilization- In order to remake the Middle East in the most blood thirsty way imaginable and NATO led US has been at the helm the entire time!Recall?  Starting at Nov.19/2014:  Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey.  &  Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey  & Kurdistan- NATO's New Southern Flank & Pt3- Destabilizing Turkey & Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis- ISIS takes border towns &  Israel and the US love the Kurds  & ISIS/Kurd Symbiosis: Conquer IstanbulCarving Turkey After a NATO Roasting- Claims vs RealityI’m going to hattip another blogger who wrote about the creation of Kurdistan and destabilization of Turkey- Without Willyloman-American Everyman, I would have been totally alone. And my gal pal  Greencrow As the Crow Flies...who was open minded enough to entertain the possibility.All the while the so called alt media was promoting the NATO lie- cause Mr Mike Whitney has been disinfoing on Turkey for a good while now. Mike Whitney: Regime Change In Ankara-Obfuscating for NATO again As have many, many others- Those who are no longer in my sidebar.Related!

(Ally, like I said- the rapprochment: the judas kiss)