Newest Article From John Kaminski: The Curse Of Knowing

I have known for well over 3 decades now that the world is not as it seems..... I have learned over the last 4 decades of being a realist and a critical thinker, that we are all living a massive illusion where we are absolutely NOT free, but are indeed enslaved to a group that seeks domination over the entire planet... In my day to day travels, I am still so surprised that there are people out there that are absolutely clueless about our world... It does appear that the "Matrix" has indeed a hold over much of humanity, and many still have not taken the "red pill" to wake up and see the world for what it really is.....But knowing the truth about our sick world and exactly who the controllers are does come with a steep price... I used to have a very large group of friends and colleagues that I would talk to and reach out to on a daily basis... However, now that I am fully aware of the Jewish problem and how truly evil that group of "chosen ones" are, I have been labeled everything from a "racist" to the usual cries of being an "antisemite", and even a criminal!   It is a known fact that once you do wake up and understand how the world really is and who the controllers are, you quickly lose both friends and even family members... That is the cost of understanding the real truth....Right now, I want to present the newest article that comes from John Kaminski, and this one backs up everything that I have stated about what happens when you truly wake up and see the real criminals on our planet... This article is entitled: "The Curse Of Knowing" and I have it right here for all to see for themselves... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:The curseof knowingWe lose those we love when they fail to let goof the lies they believeBy John Kaminskipseudoskylax@gmail.com you tell the truth, you risk losing everything you have, including those you love. This is the curse of recognizing truth, and acting on it. Blowing the whistle jeopardizes everything you have accumulated in this life, your relationships, your possessions, your reputation. It can get worse if you offend the wrong people. As it has for so many, it can cost you your life.We live in a world constructed on a giant pile of lies. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. If you just say the right words you will live forever. Good always wins out in the end. None of these things are true, yet we believe them, and ostracize those iconoclasts who deny them.Lately I’m seeing families torn apart by the recognition that 9/11 was a lie, that Hitler was the good guy, and that Jews control the world.Couples who have been married a long time break apart because partners who maintain their belief in the lies of mainstream history can’t deal with the shocking pronouncements of spouses who have suddenly discovered that Adolf Hitler continually sought peace and that Franklin Roosevelt, acting on behalf of the world’s most powerful Jewish puppetmasters, eagerly sought World War II that killed 60 million people.Children who are propagandized in school that homosexuals and so-called transgender personalities are merely normal variations of human behavior are brought into radical confrontation with their parents who realize that demonic forces out to destroy the country are encouraging these pathological distinctions to obliterate families and necessitate the fragmented personalities who remain to be forced to seek support from Big Brother.Perhaps this is what is really meant by the Biblical enjoinder to abandon your families and follow the Lord, who has now morphed into the toxic beast of centralized government.Perhaps most puzzling and tragic of all are the “idealists” of the Left who preach justice for all and compassion for the world’s poor and then savagely deny the right to speak at all for those level-headed people who point out that unrestrained immigration will sink the ship that is keeping us all afloat. This fascism of the proletariat ironically features Mexican flags being waved on American soil. And like the implication of “black lives matter” means that white lives don’t matter at all, the stage is set for a replay of the French Revolution, in which brother will kill brother until the puppetmasters decide the population has been sufficiently reduced.But worst of all is what we lose by telling the truth, when the children and spouses, who only wish to believe in the system they have been taught, attempt to convince of us of the wisdom of believing in the lies for the simple purpose of keeping the peace.Considering the way the American army has plundered the world at the behest of the Jewish bankers who control the world, it gives renewed meaning to the words of the Roman historian Tacitus.To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they called empire. And where they make a desert, they call it peace.Average braindead Americans are willing to live with this reality, believing that they’ve given up a lot of their freedoms, but still have plenty left. They are mistaken. Things never stay the same. Patterns that have been established continue to evolve. Every day they take another bite. Each day you possess less. As the pattern continues, soon you will have nothing, not even your life.It’s like inflation of the soul. Soon enough what you thought you had will be worthless. And when you have nothing, it will be too late to cry out and plead that you didn’t know.The truthtellers know this, but their words fall on deaf ears. As long as the story hasn’t been heard on television, the vast majority thinks it must not be believed. Some stories will never be heard on television. And this is the accurate history of America. You have never been told the truth about how this country has been governed, and you’re not hearing it now.Your husbands and sons and fathers who have tried to tell you about the lies that are ruining your lives have risked everything, and for this significant effort their loved ones have abandoned them, all for that siren song they hear on TV, or from the plastic platitudes they hear from the foul mouths of politicians, movie stars, demonic doctors or jaded teachers, who all say, “Stick with the plan; the government knows what’s best for you.” Or, “that pill won’t hurt you,” when it surely will.And while the people who really needed your love and support are left wanting and abandoned for their courage in telling the truth, you feel smugly justified in trusting your president as you watch a strange man dressed as a woman follow your daughter into a public restroom to write the future history of your once beautiful country.See also:How the French were lobotomized and what is happening in the USA today Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA. Notes:  Yes, John really does hit the nail on the head with this report.....It is the truth that once you wake up, you see the world and the people around you in a whole new light.... I have watched people with a whole new perspective since I woke up a few decades ago, and yes indeed it does appear that the majority are absolutely brain dead and have not a clue of what the world is really all about and the dangers they face....But trying to tell them the truth is a whole other matter, especially when you get nothing but anger and bewilderment as a response when you try to awaken them!Again, I have personally lost so many close friends over the last while due to my enlightenment.. That is indeed the cost of freeing your mind it seems... But I am not a quitter and will always be a fighter.. I have said many times that I would rather live in a moment of true freedom rather than a lifetime of enslavement...I also look at the present state of our nations as being on a one way trip to destruction... The criminal Jews are throwing all this bull shit "transgenderism" and "political correctness" in our faces now wanting to see our families broken apart as their present method to speed the collapse of our societies as to secure their sick dream of world dominion...Again, knowing the truth about the way the world really works, and who the real criminals are, is the price we all pay...More to comeNTS