Excellent MUST SEE Video: "The Most Antisemitic Video Ever"!

I have been a most troubled NTS this last year, as again and again I have been watching the youth of today seem totally oblivious to the dangers that the criminal Jews pose to our planet... It seems that most of the young people today have their heads buried in their smart phones, sending text messages to their friends and not using any vocal communication at all, and are absolutely lost when it comes to the reality of the world around them.... I thought that they were in fact hopeless and that this next generation was going to be worse than the last one and lead to the eventual downfall of our society...But just today, I saw a most amazing video, produced by a young lady (who supposedly is from Canada!) and it actually warmed my heart and has me now believing that there is indeed hope for us all.... This video, that I want everyone to see for themselves, comes courtesy of Youtube user: "Jupiter Vanguard" and is entitled: "The Most Antisemitic Video Ever"...... I have it right here, and I of course have my own thoughts and comment to follow:NTS Notes: This video is absolutely fabulous, and I am so glad that this "Evalion" is out there trying to tell people the truth about these criminals and how they are indeed destroying our planet... It indeed warms my own heart to see some young people have it right and show that there is still hope for our future...I would also recommend that everyone make copies of this video, for I can guarantee that the criminal Jews that control "Youtube" will shortly try to have it banned for some of the most ridiculous reasons imaginable....Again, the truth is right there for everyone to see for themselves.....I again challenge any of the Jews that attack this website and its content to come forward and prove any of the information that this young lady presents to be wrong....And about this video being "antisemitic"... I again remind everyone that these criminals are NOT even Semites.  Therefore their constant crying of "antisemitism" is a fraud and a lie....More to comeNTS*Update May 25th, 2016: The criminal Jews behind Youtube have been constantly pulling this video down... I will continue to attempt to find links to this video when that happens.. Sorry about any inconvenience to any readers...