The Destruction Of Nations Is Upon Us: With Open Gates - The Forced Collective Suicide Of European Nations

I have already stated so many times in so many previous articles, and even in my weekend rants, that this "migration problem" that we have been witnessing in the last few years in Europe (and soon coming to North America as well) has been by design and is being implemented for the destruction of white Caucasian nations all over Europe..... And I say to those that say that THIS ISSUE is just "change for the better" are either kidding themselves, or are part of the problem....Yes, Europe is being systematically destroyed, and everyone should be waking the hell up and see the real agenda behind this problem..... I have already put up several videos in previous articles that clearly show the dangers that we face by these illegal migrants and immigrants, and right now I want to present one that I found both shocking and disturbing... This one comes from Youtube user: "Death of Nations" and is entitled: "With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide Of European Nations" and I have it right here for everyone to see for themselves... I do of course have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Yes this video is disturbing, but it is absolutely real and EVERYONE must take note and be prepared... This type of insanity is coming here to North America right now...I am deeply troubled by the lack of outright outrage by the people of Europe... I have to believe that the good people in most European nations would never allow their own crooked governments to allow this to happen, and yet it is not only happening but is increasing.... At the present rate of this onslaught, the nations of Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, and even the United Kingdom are being systematically destroyed...I also must point out the obvious criminals behind this entire "migrant issue", which are of course the criminal Jewish elite that are using these illegal migrants as their method of destroying white European nations and culture... This destruction has always been their plans as outlined in their most evil blueprint for world domination, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.... In those protocols it is stated clearly that their number one enemy is and always has been the Caucasian race... Therefore these criminals are using these migrants as their weapon of choice to destroy our race!The great Roman writer, Cicero, said it best when back in the 1st century BC the following quote:“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."When the hell will people realize that the enemy is not some foreign power, but the one that we are allowing within our gates before it is too late to stop our nations from their destruction?Wake up everyone... The ideas of "diversity", "multiculturalism", and "change" are complete and utter bullshit... All it will ever do is create more turmoil and allow ourselves to be ruined...More to comeNTS