Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, May 8th, 2016

 Sunday, and again time for my weekly rant...Yes, today is indeed Mothers Day here in Canada and in so many nations around the planet....I once again do want to take this day to honour my 85 year old mother for her hard work and her efforts in raising both myself and my siblings.... I have been spending a bit more time this last while in trying to visit her in her personal care home here in Central Canada, and THAT is indeed one of the reasons why this blog has been put to the sidelines from time to time... Hopefully everyone understands.... And of course I do want to do a shout out to all the great mothers out there on this their special day as well.... Happy Mothers Day.....Well, onto other matters... I am always getting those strange comments that always call me an "antisemite", and I am indeed puzzled... Do those "commentators" even know what an "antisemite" entails?  If anyone does a definition and a check into the meaning of "Semite" then they will find a real quandary... The so called "Jews" that make up the criminal tribal cabal that is presently trying to enslave us all and conquer the world are some 95% Khazars.... These Khazars are absolutely NOT Semites at all, but are of the Indo-Turkish/Mongolian race that originates from the central steppe region of Russia, and over the centuries has also through their migrations into Europe bred with Europeans through the ages... These mongrels are absolutely NOT a distinctive race and are absolutely NOT Semites... The Semitic people constitute the people found around the Mediterranean Sea area of Palestine... These Semitic people are in fact the Palestinians that these mongrels are trying to keep out of their own homes in Palestine in what is basically an alien invasion.... Therefore for someone to scream "antisemite" means that the screamer is an idiot and knows nothing about race and exactly who the Semites really are.... But of course the Jewish criminal elite and their clan have used this "antisemite" slur masterfully for well over the last century to basically shut up anyone who sees them for the criminal psychopaths they truly are..... Only through real research can anyone come to the conclusion that the people screaming "antisemite" are NOT Semites and are basically trying to use that false phrase to cover for their own criminal actions......Therefore when someone has the nerve to call me an "antisemite" I laugh at them and say to them to PROVE that they are actually Semites!  That usually shuts them up....Look, lets get the facts here straight once and for all... I have been called a "Jew hater" for over a decade now, and I always answer that criticism by asking the attackers of my character to read their own "most holy" Talmud... In that book of pure filth and evil, it states clearly that every single non-Jew is a 'subhuman' and less than cattle... In the Talmud and the Torah as well, it states that the Jews are to be the masters of all mankind, and every other person is to be their slaves.... It also states that the best of all Gentiles are to be killed!  Yes, it states that clearly in the Talmud!  Therefore HOW in the hell can I be a "hater" when by every definition of the word "hate" you can see clearly that it is the Jews themselves that are the real "haters" in the world simply because they absolutely hate every other non Jewish person, period.....But in our sick world, we have these criminals who think that they are better than everyone else and the real haters of mankind, out there screaming that everyone "hates the Jews"..... I personally have no hatred for anyone, but obviously every person can have a realistic hatred for these "chosen ones" for the fact that THEY actually think that we all are subhuman and to be their slaves... Therefore once again we have the twist in reality where the real haters are calling everyone else haters.....And it has worked so well for this criminal tribe of misfits as they use that "hatred" to cover for their own crimes against humanity.....Well, onto what has been happening in our sick world over the last week.... I see that the US has brokered yet another 'ceasefire' with the Russians and the Syrians in Syria... But again, this latest ceasefire is a massive farce and is being used to cover for the Americans resupplying their fraud "ISIS" terrorists.... And I really hate to be right about this, but I stated clearly in previous articles that these "ceasefires" are indeed being used to prevent the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, from finally destroying the last vestiges of the fraud "Syrian rebels" that are basically surrounded in southern Aleppo.... The US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal is now at the point of desperation for if Aleppo falls, and it would have fallen already without these fraud "ceasefires" allowing the criminal cabal to rearm the "rebels" in the southern part of the city, the war for Syria would basically be over.... I have long said that the Russians and Syrians should never agree to any ceasefire, for the US is that evil and will never honour its terms, period.....The other interesting news that came out was the admission that the US and Israel are absolutely 100% behind the fraud of "ISIS"... I said it right from the very beginning that the US and Israel ARE ISIS!   It is only now that most people are finally wrapping their brains around that reality... And yet we have the US and Israel pushing for the fraud "Islamic State" run by "ISIS" to be PERMANENTLY set up in the eastern parts of Syria and the northern part of Iraq.... This is indeed part of the plan for the breakup of Syria, which of course has always been the goal of the US government for their want to please their Jewish masters in Israel... And these criminal psychopaths in Israel in turn want to see the destruction of Syria to pave way for their most evil "Greater Israel" project..... Yes, this war against Syria has always been for the psycho state of Israel to expand....One other note about Syria that I hope that everyone caught onto this last week... The criminal Jewish psychotic American Secretary of State has now threatened Syria, and has called on Bashar al-Assad to leave office in Damascus by this coming August "or else"..... I have one question for Jew John Kohn... "Or else what?'.... What exactly will he and his psycho cronies in Washington DC do in August when Assad has not left?   I do wonder if this is an underhanded message that the US is now beyond the point of desperation and will put into motion the forceful overthrow of Syria by this August either by clandestine methods (The 300 "special forces" already deployed illegally into Syria?) or by the outright invasion of that nation... And if the US is that insane to openly invade Syria then what will the Russian Federation do?  Is Barry Soetoro and the other Jew controlled puppets in Washington willing to risk World War III just to appease their criminal Jewish masters?And while Syria continues to boil, we find the US sticking its evil nose into another nation's business by sending "advisors" into Yemen to "aid" the battle against the Yemeni people on the behalf of the criminal Saudi Arabian government... The facts are that Saudi Arabia was having its ass whooped by the Yemeni rebel forces and has had to "withdraw" from the battle to conquer Yemen to basically 'save face'.... And now they have turned to the Americans to clean up the mess that they themselves created and to ensure that Yemen is conquered and destroyed.... I doubt very much if the Americans will do any better unless they are willing to send in more than just a few "advisors" into that conflict.. Watch over the next while, for I can guarantee we will see more and more Americans committed to the fight against Yemen, and the American government lie their asses off as to why!The war against Syria has still taken up most of the headlines, but there are other headaches happening in the world elsewhere... Honestly, what in the hell is the US trying to do by moving their forces into countries bordering the Russian Federation?  And on top of that the members of the criminal organization called "NATO" have now also bolstered their forces on the border of Russia... Do these fools actually think they can make these aggressive moves and expect the Russians not to notice and take action?   This is a dangerous game that NATO and the US are playing... And to top it all off, these criminals are lying to the entire world saying that these movements are to 'counter Russian aggression'?   I would ask the mutton brained morons in the NATO governments to show myself and every other person that has a brain exactly where and when the Russians have done these acts of "aggression" that they claim?   The reality is that the Russians are NOT being the aggressors here, period... The real aggressors are the criminals running the US government and NATO nations....Yes, the US and NATO are indeed pushing for war against Russia.. And the reality is that this lust for war is for economic reasons and not for the fraud of "Russian aggression"..... The US is now a bankrupt and collapsing nation, and no one is buying any more US debt while other nations are now trading in non-US dollar currencies.....The net effect is a disaster for the US and the government in Washington thinks that the way out for the US economy is a full blown war against the Russian Federation.... Yes these psychos are this insane, and rather than actually try to fix the economy at home and possibly end the Jewish grip on the financial system, they will push for a world war where millions of American lives will be lost..... And if anyone thinks the American people will stop this madness before it happens?  Forget it, for by this time most of the American people's brains have been turned into mush and are heavily brainwashed by the lies put out by their Jew spew media to even realize the reality of this worsening situation....Which leads me of course to all this Donald Drumpf rhetoric about "making America great again" and especially the slogan "America First"...... Yes, these catch phrases do ring with the dumbed down American people whom many have finally realized what a mess their nation truly is.... But as I stated many times, Drumpf does do some great slogans, but I doubt if he will ever be able to practice what he preaches.... America is firmly in Jewish hands, and if by a slim chance Drumpf honestly wanted to do what is best for the American people and not for his Jewish masters and overlords, then the Jewish power elite that controls the US will simply have someone put a bullet into Drumpf's head well before this November's 'selection' and have another of their puppets fill the void....  Yes, this "America First" statement is something that many Americans can understand and should stand behind... But the problem is that even if Drumpf survives and becomes the next US President, I doubt very much that he will be able to back up that statement.... The Jews control America, sadly, and they will continue to make sure that the real policy in Washington is "Israel First" for years to come while they criminally suck the life out America....Someone asked me why I "missed" the scientific article where supposedly for the first time ever a flash of light was observed and reported when conception of life took place between a human ovum and a sperm cell.... Someone even said to me that this "proves" that life itself was somehow done by an "all mighty creator"... I looked at the articles and many other reports on this observation, and I would say that this is not some "miracle" but the fundamentals of how biological processes originate and shows how our very bodies are indeed bio-electric masses.... It makes sense that there would be a momentary flash of light when life begins simply because the biological and chemical processes are triggered and even in chemistry when chemicals are mixed into a reaction, there usually is a generation of photons aka light.... I can state that as fact due to my background in chemistry....  The simple fact is that when the ovum and the sperm are in the process of combining at the moment of the beginning of new life, the chemical interaction in the biological process will generate a momentary flash of light as the chemicals are combined... This is logical and should be expected..... I am not wanting to put a damper on anyone who thinks that this proves the existence of a "creator", but I am indeed a man of science and I always look for logical answers rather than the idea of a "man in the clouds"......Well, before I get onto my usual "last minute tidbits", a quick update on the situation with Whitewraithe and not only her Pragmatic Witness website, but her new job as well.... I spoke to her earlier last week and she is quite excited about her new full time job, but the job will indeed take up a lot of her time for the next while... She is hoping to have some spare time in the evenings to not only post material at Pragmatic Witness, but to also get our show restarted..... I really do hate to sound like a broken record here, but all I can say is for everyone to have patience.... Turbulent Times is coming back very soon......Well, I guess I will close this rant with my usual "last minute tidbits"... I again ask anyone that wants me to look at any articles that they find interesting and want my take to send me the links in the comment section.  I will do my best to comply with any requests sent my way.........So let me get this straight. The US backed "rebels" in Syria bombed yet another hospital in a "rebel held" area, and have been trying to blame the Syrians for this false flag attack?  Where have we seen this type of action before you may ask?  We only need to look at how the Israeli send their agents into the Gaza strip to lob a few bottle rockets back into Israel to give the Israelis the "excuse" to bomb the crap out of Gaza as a close parallel to this type of action in Syria!  Yes, the US government is that desperate to find anything to blame Syria and Russia to try to convince the people that an "invasion" of Syria is necessary..........And speaking of Gaza, we find once again the criminal psychos in Israel bombing the crap out of that open air concentration camp, and the Jew spew media is of course silent about this latest atrocity.  Only this time there appears to be no "excuse" given by the Israelis for this attack. Yes, apparently the criminal Israelis are out to slaughter the 2 million people living in Gaza and making sure the world is purposely being kept in the dark about their acts of cold blooded murder.... And speaking of the Israelis, I see that they are defying the world again with their want to permanently hold onto the Golan Heights which they seized from Syria back in the 1967 six day war of expansion.  Yes, these criminals will defy the UN and even the US now and keep their stolen lands all for their Greater Israel expansion project........People have been asking me, as a Canadian, about the terrible fire situation in Fort McMurray Alberta west of where I live.   Yes, the situation is terrible and is being augmented by the severe dry conditions that the forrest area around Fort McMurray has been suffering for the last few months.  Luckily (so far) no one has died from the blazes, and yes much of the city of some 80000 is being burned to the ground by the fires.  I have personally donated some money to the Red Cross (hoping the money actually goes to help victims of this disaster), and if anyone else wants to do so, then by all means.......This last week marks the 71st anniversary of the close of the second World War in Europe, and I tend to agree with reports coming out of Russia about how the American press is ignoring the facts that Russia itself bore much of the fighting in that war with them also having the worse death toll of all the nations involved.  But I must point out that Hitler's war against Russia was a pre-emptive strike, done to prevent Russian invasion of Europe itself in 1941... Real history will show that Hitler's Operation Barbarossa attacks against Russia did indeed save Europe from Stalin ruthlessly attacking and conquering much of western Europe.  But again, the victors in any war write most of the history...........And this last week was supposedly "Holocaust Remembrance Day" in this part of Canada.  Gee, sorry, I guess I missed it.  Never got the memo obviously..........Yes, my congratulations go out to the Leicester City Foxes for winning the Premier League championship this year.  Astonishing considering the Foxes were some 5000-1 underdogs at the beginning of this season's play, and shows that any team in the BPL with the determination to win can do so.  Well, hopefully the Arsenal Gunners can get their act together and be prepared to take a run for the title next year.  I always hope...........Summer vacation coming up for me  and I am searching for a good place to go for two weeks.  Someone said how about New York?   Honestly, I want to avoid taking a trip to America this year, and am looking elsewhere for a change.  If anyone has some suggestions, I am all ears........I see that Microsoft is at it again, and this time it is trying again this last week to force users onto their horrendous "Windows 10" operating system through the fraud of "new patches".  I picked up a new laptop a while back that is preloaded with this "new operating system" and from my own experience so far with it, I would recommend that everyone stick to "Windows 7" or even "XP" by absolutely every means necessary.  In my view and from my own experience with this new laptop,  "Windows 10" is horrible and I would not wish it on anyone.........And finally, I will again skip any mention of the scumbag "Kardashians" this week while I concentrate on the epitome of pure evil herself, Hillary "Killary" Clinton.  Someone mentioned to me that former US President Richard Nixon was impeached for the erasure of some 18 minutes of tape in the infamous Watergate scandals of the early 1970's, and yet this vile psychopathic murderous demon called Hillary can become US President even though she has thousands of emails and messages that would not only get her impeached but charged with treason!  Yes, the American Presidential race is a sham, and sadly there are many fools in America that will still vote for this psychotic bitch!  And people wonder why I say America is going to hell?Well I guess that is enough for now.  I just want to again say Happy Mothers Day to all those hard working mothers out there, and especially my own mother that has put up with my antics for all these years... Thanks mom!More to comeNTS