Will Free Speech Loving Canada allow Dieudonne to Perform at His Sold Out Shows?

 Keep in mind how much Canada loves "free speech"...  When it's the state approved kind of"free speech", that is! CBC :    Publishing the most one sided/propagandistic  article imaginable!Of course. Always doing the bidding of  our state sponsored tyranny!I'm excluding the heavy hand of perception management employed in the piece

"Espace Mushagalusa, a small art gallery in downtown Montreal, has booked Dieudonné to play ten shows in a room that accommodates 200 people from May 11 to 16.

Shows sold out quickly

Gallery owner Mushagalusa Chigoho told CBC the shows sold out quickly, despite little publicity.

Chigoho said he was aware that Dieudonné is controversial, and so he asked to review the script of this particular show before agreeing to the booking."There was nothing insulting, nothing degrading, nothing racist. I can't be responsible for what he's said in the past," Chigoho said"

Ouellette acknowledged that the show Dieudonné plans to perform here has not generated much controversy after being performed in France, but he still hoped that Chigoho might cancel the performances.

Ouellette also said he doubts Canadian immigration officials will allow Dieudonné into the country, given his numerous convictions in Europe

Canada's Jewish Lobby & it's propaganda department is working over time- Oh wait. We here in Canada are supposed to pretend that lobby doesn't exist and has no power!  My bad.. After Charlie Hebdo, freedom loving governments clamp down on free speech:

In the days and weeks after this heinous attack, world leaders rallied under the banner of “Je suis Charlie,” as they expressed solidarity with the French people and, ostensibly, the principles of free expression. However, in the following months, as international attention and collective defiance waned, there was a more disturbing trend of governments around the world attempting to clamp down on these same tenets of free speech...

 Yup.So, will Dieudonne be turned away?  We Canadians will know in a couple of days.Past 24 hours: