Very Important Video: Ken O'Keefe Tells The Truth About The Middle East

I am doing a bit of catching up as usual today... Many readers, colleagues, and friends, have been sending me a wealth of links and videos pver the last little while, and in many cases have asked me to put them up here at this blog..... I have been spending a lot of time over the last few days finally looking at the material sent my way, and I will be presenting a lot of that material here at this blog over the next while...About three weeks ago, Ken O'Keefe released another very amazing and truthful video that I finally got around to viewing.. And as usual it is dynamite..... In this video, that I want to share with my own readers right here to view for themselves, Ken talks straightforward as usual, pulling no punches, and telling the absolute truth about exactly what is happening right now in the Middle East......It is an absolute must see by everyone.... Please watch this amazing video, and as usual I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Ken O'Keefe is to me one heck of a speaker, and tells it exactly like it is...I have been saying for years that the fiascos that we are watching in the Middle East are absolutely pre-planned, and all part of the insanity of Israel with their "Greater Israel" project...Lets face it... The insane state of Israel has been working in conjunction with their puppets in the US government to undermine every nation in the Middle East for the purpose of weakening them to the point that they can be easily destroyed and/or conquered.. In such a way, the Israelis can walk all over them without much of a fight and expand their sick and twisted state to what their false bible claims is theirs.. From the Nile to the Euphrates Rivers.... And as I have also stated, they care not for the hundreds of millions of lives that will be murdered in acts of genocide to attain that sick dream....As Ken O'Keefe releases more of these videos, I will do my best to present them here for my own readers to view for themselves.. Stay tuned...More to comeNTS