The Syrian War Against The Criminal US/Israel/NATO Cabal Rages On: Insane US Secretary Of State John Kohn Just Told Assad To Get Out By August Or Else!

It should be apparent to anyone by now that the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal attempts to have Syria destroyed and Assad ousted from power has failed miserably... The good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies, are now on the offensive and are pushing to take out the ISIS "stronghold" of Raqqa in eastern Syria very shortly... As well, the good guys were definitely about to wipe out the last of the so called "rebel" (US paid and armed mercenaries) in southern Aleppo if not for a new "ceasefire" requested by the US itself.... Everywhere across Syria, the good guys have these fraud "terrorists" on the run, and without a full scale invasion of Syria itself the vain attempt by the cabal to conquer Syria will shortly come to an end..But apparently, with the Syrian government on the road to final victory in Syria, the criminal cabal is now through desperation resorting to insane threats against Assad himself.. For according to the following article from the Vice News online news service, at, apparently the Jewish and very psychotic US Secretary of State, John Kohn, has come out now and said that Bashar al-Assad has to get out of Syria by August, "or else"....I have the link to this very important article right here for all of my own readers to view for themselves, and of course as usual my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: To me this is indeed "desperation on the cusp of madness" by the insane leadership in the US government...Lets face the facts here... Bashar al-Assad needs not to go anywhere... He is loved by his own people, and has the full support of the entire Syrian populace, much to the chagrin of the criminals in both our governments and of course the liars in the Jew spew media outlets....And on top of that he has the full support of the Russian Federation that has been backing his battles to free his nation from the real criminals which are of course the US led and backed "terrorists"...But again, we must not forget that the criminal and psychotic state of Israel is right there driving US policies for their sick dream of having Syria destroyed so that their nation can expand as per their sick and twisted dream of a "Greater Israel".... Syria is to them a delay in that process and they are obviously pushing their US puppets to have Syria destroyed....Yes, Kohn is showing signs of insanity indeed.... Threatening Syria this way should open up the entire planet to the reality that the US is being run by lunatics that seem to think they can bully nations to comply to their policies.. The alternative is obviously war and invasion.....I laugh at John Kohn and his insane ramblings... I hope that the Russians do send a terse response to this criminal by telling him to basically "drop dead" for his demand that Assad get out "or else"....More to comeNTS