Russia: US Tried to Include al-Qaeda Territory in Aleppo Ceasefire

21st Century Wire says…
Is this confirmation of what we’ve already known for a very long time?
Watch a video of this report here:

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has alleged that the US attempted to include territories under the control of al-Nusra, AKA al-Qaeda in Syria, in the ceasefire that has just come into effect in Aleppo.
Lavrov said:
“During the negotiations, our US partners actually tried to draw the borders of this ‘zone of silence’ to include a significant number of positions occupied by the al-Nusra Front. We managed to exclude this as it is absolutely unacceptable,”
“This indicates that someone wants to use the Americans. I do not believe that it is in their interest to shield the al-Nusra Front. But someone wants to use the Americans to shield the al-Nusra Front from strikes.”
It is little wonder Russia found this ‘absolutely unacceptable’, as they have just spent the last 6-7 months conducting a full scale air campaign against all such terrorist forces throughout Syria.
In regards to the second half of Lavrov’s bombshell statement, it can be seen as very naïve to think that anyone could actually ‘use the Americans’. The US is, without question, the global hegemon and is used to using others to accomplish its own goals.
Yet, Lavrov is far from naïve. It is possible that he is referring to a number of political actors instead.
The first, and most likely candidate, is the CIA. It was reported earlier in the year that the agency’s weapon smuggling program to terrorists in Syria was completely destroyed by Russian airstrikes, and they may have been an interfering with American diplomats’ plans to save what little is left of their covert ‘rebel’ force.
It is certainly possible that the CIA convinced diplomats to include areas in the deal under false pretences. For example, the CIA could frame the need for including a certain area in the deal in many different ways to suggest its necessity for ‘strategic importance’, without outrightly saying it was to shield a covert army of terrorists.
The CIA’s expertise in slight of hand and human manipulation were revealed earlier this year, when it emerged that only the top elites in the organisation ever know the full truth about any given situation.
We know, unquestionably so, that the US had the central role in creating and supporting the army of ‘moderate rebels’, better known as foreign terrorists, to try and overthrow the Assad government.
The other actors that might be seen as trying to ‘use the Americans’ are Turkey and Israel. Both nations have been accused of working with terrorist groups in Syria, like al-Nusra, to accomplish their own regional goals.
Whatever the true source of this attempt to shield terrorists, it is truly scary to know that they were able to get this outlandish goal to an international negotiating table. Moreover, it calls into question the entire foreign policy history of the US from the past 15 years.