Week in review – science edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Variation in climate sensitivity and feedback during the historical period. [link]
Can game theory help solve the problem of climate change? [link]
The IPCC’s priorities for the next six years: 1.5C, oceans, cities and food security [link]
Big increase in paved surfaces in DC area 1984 to 2010. This affects our climate: [link]
Research shows Professors work long hours and spend much of day in meetings [link] …
Do seasonal to decadal climate predictions underestimate the predictability of the real world? [link]
New #climate consensus study by Cook, Oreskes et al. [link]
This is how scientists *should* react to data that contradicts their views. [link]
Michael E. Kraft:  Climate change deniers deserve punishment [link]
Now in NatureClimate – Opinion An IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C should focus on resolving fundamental scientific and political uncertainties, not fixate on developing unachievable mitigation pathways. [link]
10 ways negative emissions could slow climate change [link]
Stripping a professor of tenure over a blog post [link]
Jonathan Haidt on the creeping of ‘bullying’ criteria in academia [link]
Not dead yet:  great barrier reef coral cover up 19% in 3 years [link]
Melting Ice And Shifting Rain Patterns Causing the North and South Poles to Drift [link]
Bob Tisdale: Do the Adjustments to Sea Surface Temperature Data Lower the Global Warming Rate? [link]
Factcheck: Are climate models ‘wrong’ on rainfall extremes? [link]
Why science in Africa needs honest brokers as well as Einsteins  [link]
New paper finds natural 60 year cycle challenges the anthropogenic global warming theory [link] …
“ECMWF Tropical Cyclone Forecasts for Days to Weeks Ahead” – [link]
How do influxes of moist air into Arctic affect temperature & #seaice concentration? [link]
Know this first:  Risk perception is always irrational [link]
How to pinpoint the sources of NWP forecast errors @ECMWF [link] …
@BillNye “Science Guy” open to jail time for climate change skeptics [link]
Principles and criteria for assessing urban energy resilience: A literature review [link] …
 Filed under: Week in review
