False Flag Attack Against Cuba: A Plan Hatched by the Pentagon

21st Century Wire says…
Just because it happened in the 1960s doesn’t mean it can’t happen today.
For example, consider Flight MH17. Behold, its progenitor…

Brasscheck TV
“False flag” means carrying out a terrorist act and blaming in on another party. In the early 60s, the Pentagon crafted a plan to blow a US passenger plane out of the sky and blame it on the Cubans government to justify an invasion and take over of the country.
It was called, “Operation Northwoods.”
It was only rejected when it reached the White House. Otherwise, the military was 100% ready act act on it. The coincidence of yet another high profile terrorist act in Europe at the very same time that Obama was in Cuba brought this dark reality of American history to mind.
Are there “official” forces who would, in order to advance their own agenda, bomb Belgium civilians and blame it on “Middle Eastern terrorists”?
History says: Yes…

READ MORE FALSE  FLAG NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire False Flag Files