PBC News & Comment: Republicans Soundly Reject the Bush Dynasty

Jeb! spent $130 million and was Trumped at every turn, but Nevada Dems give narrow edge to the Clinton dynasty…--Sanders closed the gap but chaotic caucuses had modest turnout, Clinton reported the winner with 52%
--Dem superdelegates give Clinton the impression of a big lead, but they can change their votes right up until the convention
--GOP candidate John Kasich returns to Ohio long enough to sign bill blocking funding to Planned Parenthood
--as Trump calls for Apple boycott and Obama backs the FBI, Tim Cook continues to fight for iPhone security as we learn that FBI created San Bernardino password issue
--contradicting government assertions in court, FBI ordered iCloud password reset that created their access problem
--in latest in-depth interview about free speech and academic freedom, Prof. James Tracy explains his recent termination from tenured position in Florida
--US and Russia reach new agreement for ceasefire this Saturday, don’t bet on it
--Saudis cut $4 billion in aid to Lebanon in flap over Iran and Hezbollah
--Uber gets bad press, as Kalamazoo shooting spree suspect was Uber driver who took fare between shooting
--in Nairobi, Uber driver is attacked and his car is torched
--Black Panther Albert Woodfox is released from Angola prison in Louisiana after 45 years spent mostly in solitary confinement