NTS A Bit Under The Weather... Catching Up On The Real News Now..

I came down with a very nasty head cold over the weekend... My better half and my son both came down with much the same symptoms which left them both laid up the last few days... I am only now beginning to feel better and have so much catching up to do...I figure I would do a "mini rant" right now just to catch up on so many comments that I have received and other matters..I have come under attack since last weekend's rant from the "Flat Earthers" out there that did not like what I had to say about their beliefs.. Well, too bad, because if they are wrong, they are wrong.. I turned to what even the ancients knew about the Earth being a round ball which proves that they are being misled by the disinformation agents out there about this "flat Earth" bull shit......  Lets face the facts that the "Flat Earthers" are in my honest opinion in the alternative media and all over the place just to "poison the well" and to try to make real researchers in the "real truth movement" look bad.... But again, they are just making fools of themselves and I will not give them a platform here at this blog, period....Someone asked me why I call the war in Syria a "civil war".... I used that terminology for the last few years when I posted articles concerning that war in Syria, and have not swayed from that title.. And yes, anyone with any common sense can see that the "war" in Syria is for the destruction of the nation and is being done by outside forces guided by the American/Israeli/NATO criminal cabal.... The title for ariticles therefore could be "The War By The Criminal Jewish Elite And Their Minions For The Destruction Of Syria And The Enslavement  And Genocide Of The Syrian People", but considering how long that title is, I will just use the "civil war" instead for now simply because that is what the Jew spew media continues to try to promote it as....Lets not pull any punches at all with what just happened with that MSF Hospital that was "bombed" in Syria a few days ago... The bombing was done by the Americans and it was done purposely to vilify Russia (again)... People need to ask themselves the basic logical question here... WHO BENEFITS from the bombing of a hospital?   Logically the Syrians and the Russians have absolutely nothing to gain by the destruction of a hospital and the killing of innocent civilians at all, and therefore logically this was indeed done by the American/Israeli/NATO criminal cabal in their vain efforts to escalate the conflict and sway world opinion... Let us all not be fooled....Has anyone noticed that the reports about the "Zika virus" scare have fallen by the wayside in the Jew spew media?  Up until last week, this fraud 'epidemic' was all over the media outlets and now it has strangely almost "disappeared"!  BUT we still see all the promotions going on about the "vaccine" being developed to fight this "disease"..... Let us not be fooled... This "epidemic" is a hoax and being done for the sole purpose of getting those damned poisonous vaccines into the gullible and stupid people out there that are being brainwashed....Someone again asked me for my thoughts on the American political circus... I again have to ask the basic question as to WHY IN THE HELL IS HILLARY CLINTON NOT IN JAIL?  That freak of nature and her criminal crime family has been responsible for so much death and destruction and yet she is out there not only walking free, but still stands a chance of actually becoming the next President of the United States?  Honestly, are the American people truly this stupid and ignorant that they would vote this freak and mass murdering psycho into the oval office?    And people wonder why I picture American society going to hell....Yes, it is good to be back.... I truly hate being sick, and I again want to thank everyone for being so patient.... New articles will be posted shortly..... And as usual...More to comeNTS