Whether "Miss Mitch" McConnell is simply lying its head off or is actually mentally incompetent, it has become a clear-and-present danger to the Republic

Now that the slimeball Senate minority leader has abandoned even the pretense of any obligation to reality or truth, he really has become a danger to everyone in the country.by KenNow that "Miss Mitch" McConnell has established itself as the most dishonest and incompetent creature ever to occupy a position of authority in the U.S. government, something really needs to be done about it.Was it yesterday that it said on the floor of the Senate that the idea that there's a filibuster crisis is a "fantasy"?It's time for reporters to demand an answer: Did it say that (a) because it's a pathological liar or (b) because it's really too stupid to understand that every word out of its mouth is a lie, or (c) it's insane? And it shouldn't be allowed to say another word -- for the rest of its miserable life -- until it answers this question. And on the basis of that answer it should eitther (a) be given a gun with which to blow its own diseased brain out on national TV or (b) be involuntarily committed to a mental institution until such time as it can demonstrate a higher degree of mental competence.Miss Mitch and its staff of liars are pretending that this year they didn't reject any Obama nominations. (Note that even they are speaking only about this year.) Is this sheer effrontery or pathological imbecility? Is this toxic turd really too stupid to know that the way it has used the filibuster as a weapon of terror is by threatening a filibuster, making believe that any damn thing going through the Senate requires a 60-vote majority, in flagrant contradiction of the U.S. Constitution?Do Miss Mitch's cockamamie figures include the number of votes that have been cast before the bill or nomination ever got anywhere near a yes-or-no vote? Of course not. The actual number of Senate votes taken that "failed" because they failed to reach the 60-vote threshhold -- more often than not on a procedural vote long before an actual vote on the issue -- is a small fraction of the number of bills and nominations scuttled by the threat of the unconstitutional filibuster.This creature is a cancer, and it has to be removed immediately. I think its assisted suicide would be the most elegant solution, but permanent commitment to a loony bin would accomplish the goal.I mean, where does a worthless sack of toxic fecal matter come off make a claim like the one in this washingtonpost.com headline from yesterday? (For that matter, where does Aaron Blake come off failing to make clear the total fraudulence of the bullshit spewing forth from the doodybrain's maw? "Objective" reporting doesn't mean passing off arrant lies as "one side" of a debate.)

McConnell: Reid could be worst Senate leader ever

By Aaron Blake, Published: July 11 at 4:41 pmSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) engaged in a heated hour-long exchange over filibuster rules on the Senate floor Thursday, and by the end of the day, McConnell said Reid risked becoming the worst Senate leader in history.If Reid goes through with the so-called nuclear option, McConnell said, “our friend the majority leader is going to be remembered as the worst leader here ever.”It wasn’t the first allusion to Reid ruining his legacy. Thursday morning, McConnell quoted Reid’s previous opposition to filibuster rule changes from when Reid was in the minority in 2005, and suggested making them now would be on his political tombstone.“‘Breaking the rules to change the rules is un-American’ – his words, not mine,” McConnell said. “I just hope the majority leader thinks about his legacy, the future of his party and, most importantly, the future of our country before he acts.”The two went back and forth for about an hour, with both referring to each other’s past comments on filibuster changes.Reid said that such changes should only be made in extraordinary circumstances — and argued that the current Republican obstructionism of nominees represents just such a circumstance. Reid is only seeking to change filibuster rules on Cabinet and agency nominations — not for all Senate business.“It could be said Sen. McConnell broke his word,” Reid said, referring to McConnell pledging to allow votes on nominees through regular order of the Senate. “The Republican leader has failed to live up to his commitments. He has failed to do what he said he would do, move nominations by regular order except in extraordinary circumstances. I refuse to unilaterally surrender my right to respond to this breach of faith.”By Thursday afternoon, McConnell’s staff tweeted an image suggesting the move would be on Reid’s tombstone:

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